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*Sarah's POV*

I sat in Bernard's living room alongside his mom. I had found Bernard passed out on the ground and had to call his mom to help get him back to the house. We had agreed that we would only bring him to the hospital if he didn't wake up within the net few hours. We were both silent, waiting. Suddenly, his eyes flew open. He was panting and had a look of terror on his face.

"Bernard?" He looked over at me. "Sarah? W-what happened?" His mother stepped in front of me "You passed out, honey. What were you doing in those woods! You could've gotten hurt!" Bernard had a distant look on his face. "Bernard?!" "Sorry, what?" he looked up at his mother coming out of his daze. His mother sighed. "Just go to bed, OK? I'll take you to the doctor tomorrow." For a second before he got up he looked over at me, then he stood up and walked right pass me. "You should probably go home now, Sarah." His mother told me. "Your mother must be worried sick by now."

That night I didn't get any sleep. I stayed up thinking over Bernard's weird behavior. The thing that bothered me the most was how he just walked past me like that. After something like that he would at least tell me he was OK or what happened in the woods. Even just giving me a look would've been nice, then i would be able to tell how he was doing. He just seemed so far off like he wasn't even there.

I called him after school the next day. The whole day i had obsessed over what the doctor said and if Bernard was OK. He had answered after the third ring. "Hey" he said. His voice sounded really scratchy and weary as if he hadn't slept last night either. "Hey, what happened at the doctor?" "He said there was nothing wrong with me." "Then why did you pass out yesterday?" "i don't know!" he said snapped at me angrily. There was a short silence. "I'm sorry, it's just i'm not feeling too well." I was still slightly hurt that he yelled at me. we never yell at each other and when we do we never mean it.

"It's fine, I'm not feeling great either. I didn't get any sleep last night." "Me neither. I kept waking up from nightmares." "Nightmares about what?" there was another silence. "Um nothing important. I'm gonna try to get some sleep now. Bye!" he hung up before i could say anything. I sat down on my bed. why would he just hang up like that? I guessed he just didn't want to talk about his dreams but why didn't he just say so?

I laid down and decided to get some sleep too. I would see Bernard at school tomorrow anyway. I could just ask him why he was acting so weird then. Plus he did pass out yesterday so it would make sens that he would be a Little bit off. Everything was fine, right?

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