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Today I was bullied with my friend, I hope it never ever happens to you. You can ignore the insults, but when they tell your friends to stop being friends with you, or to call you racist, the worst kind of things you can think of, maybe even physical abuse. It's horrid. I've experienced this all before. I manage each time. If only insults are thrown at you, take it as a compliment, or just come up with comebacks. Don't go through bullying alone, get a friend or an adult. Don't ever hurt/kill yourself. You did NOTHING wrong!

Pandora_Hearts13, QuidditchObsession I wish for you two do this challenge, not sure if you two already have. And I don't have much friends on here, so I'm only doing two!

Let's do this! #nomorebullying
If you want to hear my stories just ask, I'll be happy to share them :)

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