Chapter 4: Home Time!

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Ace is finally home and looking forward to seeing his parents, it's been a few weeks since he's seen them and gone home to his beloved Sixers, it's a tradition in the Hicks home to go to the opening game of the season, it's not important that Ace has never seen them win a Championship but they did with the Division title last year so it's not all doom and gloom.

Ace got off the plane and went to baggage to get his bag, Ace walked up to security and couldn't help the cute brunette making sure nobody got through with anything that their not supposed to have.

It didn't take long till it was Ace's turn and he looked over to her.

Ace: Am I going to get patted down?

Ace asked as she looked to him confused by why he would ask that, she pulled the tray towards her with Ace's personal effects in, she shook her head no while Ace slide his wallet and keys into his pocket's.

Ace: Can I request one?

Ace asked making her look up to him with a smile, she couldn't help but blush and smile back while her colleague took over as she took Ace into a nearby pat down room after turning off the cameras.

David waited and waited for his son to get here, his plane landed an hour ago and his son still isn't here, David had an idea of what's taking him so long but didn't say anything when he saw Ace coming down the escalator talking to some women, David did for a second think it was his girlfriend he hasn't told them about but when she left Ace and hugged a different guy, he sighed.

David: Really?

David asked Ace as he walked towards him with a proud smile, Ace looked nothing like his father, Ace has dark brown hair with blue eyes that seem to be his main attraction when it came to women, while David had light brown hair and brown eyes, Lori's the same just with blonde hair.

Ace: What? 

Ace asked knowing what he did and what he was going to do if her boyfriend wasn't here of his father.

David: She has a boyfriend.

David said stating the obvious as the two Hicks' walked towards the exit of the airport, Ace was proud of who he is or at least he pretended to be.

Ace: That's not her fault.

Ace shrugged as much as David and Lori hate his little exports, he's been like it since he was told he was adopted, they think it's a coping thing he's going through.

David: Come on, let's get you home.

Ace throw his bag in the trunk of his dad's Lincoln...

 While the older Hicks got into the drivers seat, Ace joined him up front and they made their way from Philadelphia International Airport to Devon, it's not a long drive but it was long enough for Ace to tell his dad about everything he's been up ...

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... While the older Hicks got into the drivers seat, Ace joined him up front and they made their way from Philadelphia International Airport to Devon, it's not a long drive but it was long enough for Ace to tell his dad about everything he's been up to, except the nasty stuff.

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