uhh this is about duke dennis .. the man he is himself so basically this will be about how this random girl fell inlove w him while him,kai and davo was in miami but duke ended up being up being in a relationship but the girl didn't know so whole ti...
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marie: wait is he waving me too come over there?....
_________________ ari:GIRL YES GO OVER THERE NOW marie:okayyy*goes over there* ________________ *duke and marie's pov* ________________ duke:wsp marie:h-h-hey(she's mad nervous) duke: why you stuttering you nervous or sum ? marie: why would i be nervous because im talking too you ? duke: i meannn.idk marie: soooo.. i saw you had commented on my post duke: i mean.. you fine asf marie:tyyy*smiles* *they make eye contact* marie:*folds* duke*laughs* what's yo number tho ? marie:okay my number is * she gives him her number* kai: GO DEEBLOCK DUKE GO DEEBLOCK DUKE marie:*looks up and laughs* duke: shutup lil nigga😹😹 kai: mmh worrr duke:imma hit you up later tho fasho marie: okayyy*walks back too her friends* __________________ *back with ari and zaria* *nobodys pov* __________________ ari: GIRLLLLLLLL zaria: how did it gooooo? marie:gooddddd i gave him my number * sticks her tongue out in a happy way* ari:AHHHHHHH zaria: his homeboy kinda fine too me 👀 ari: girl which one ? the short dread one or long dread one? zaria: short dread one ari: girllll he short asffff yk better zaria: and im short too 🙄 ari: well... go get him 😹😹🤷🏽♀️ zaria:okayyyy *she goes up too kai*
___________________ *kai and zaria's pov* __________________ zaria: heyyyy kai: worrrrr zaria:why you so loud ? kai: that's how i am but wsp? zaria:oh okay .. but i thought you was fine 🤭🤭 kai: worrrr? i mean you fine yo self tho..🤷🏽♂️ zaria: tyyyy kai: let me get yo number tho zaria: okayyy*gives him her number* kai: ightt I'll hit you up later tho zaria: okayyy byeeee*hugs him* kai* oh .. bye * hugs her back * zaria: *walks off* kai: well okay... ____________________ *kai and dukes pov* duke: ok ok i see you kai: yeaaaa duke: don't get too excited 😹😹 kai: stfu you took every girl from me 🙄 duke: * starts singing* that's what i do that's what i do that's what i do i do i do 😹😹 kai: stfu nigga duke: man wtv but you ready too go ? i already got all my bitches😹😹 kai: wowwww but yea im ready duke:*laughs* ighttt __________________ *they go too the air bnb they got in miami* ____________________ GO TO THE NEXT PART NOWWW _____________________