uhh this is about duke dennis .. the man he is himself so basically this will be about how this random girl fell inlove w him while him,kai and davo was in miami but duke ended up being up being in a relationship but the girl didn't know so whole ti...
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| IN DUKES ROOM AT THE AIRBNB| *nobodys pov*
duke: hmm imma text that girl that came up too me
______________________ Messages marie🤷🏽♂️
duke: yoooo
marie heyyyyy
duke wyd?
marie laying in bed on tiktok wyd ?
duke in bed scrolling on instagram
marie oh okayyy
duke wanna come over tmr? we in a airbnb tho cause we don't stay down here
marie yesssss wait how long y'all gon be down here tho ?.. duke we gon be down here for 2 more days
marie hmm okayyy
duke *sends her the address* but that's the address cya tomorrow im sleepy
marie okayyy ty but okay cya Read 2:15 am
_________________ *duke and davo's pov* __________________ *davo busts in the room* duke:bro wtfff davo:my bad my bad but how many girls you bag tonight ? duke: wait too manyyyy😹😹 davo:*daps him up* ik that's righttt duke: straight business boyyyyy davo: fasho fasho but imma let yo ass sleep you look like you sleepy gn bro😹 duke: gn man 😹😹 ___________________ *next day* __________________
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|in marie's room|
*marie gets ready*
marie:hmm imma call duke and tell him im otw!*calls duke* duke:yooo marie:heyyyy duke:you otw or sum? marie:yesss duke: ighttt marie:okayy im like 15 mins away duke:ight bet ___________________ *dukes pov* ___________________
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duke:im finna go get in the shower before she come
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*he gets out and he puts this on* ______________________ *marie and dukes pov* ____________________ duke:*phone ringing* duke:*answers it* yooo marie:heyyy im outside duke:ightt im coming*goes downstairs* marie:okayyy*hangs up* duke:*opens door* wsppp marie:heyyy*hugs him* duke: *hugs her back* damn you seem happy 😹😹 marie:nahhh duke:whateverr let's go follow me marie:*laughs*okayy 🤭😹*follows him* * they get too his room in the air bnb* marie:*looks around* this a nice ass airbnb tho🤭🤭🤷🏽♀️ duke:ty ty i picked it cause ik if they picked it out if was gon be ugly asf marie:*laughs* yeaaa duke: so how you doing tho ? marie:gooddd how you doing ? duke:i been ight yk just chillin 🤷🏽♂️ marie: oh okayyy duke:hell yea hell yea marie:*smiles**🧠 he is so fineee i just wanna fuck him* duke: marie marie*snaps his fingers* marie:*gets out of deep thought* oh huh ? duke: you okay ? marie:yea im okay 🤭*starts kissing him* duke:oh oka- *he couldn't finish what he was saying because she started kissing him* marie:*gets on top of him and makes out with him*