Chapter 17- Ouch

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The next day....

After my shift, I head home to pick out an outfit for the party tonight. Since I moved here, I have been going to so many parties. I think I'm going to take a break from drinking tonight because last time, it did not go so well...

I think I'll wear jean shorts and a top because of how hot it has been recently. I decide on wearing these pair of blue jean shorts I own and a floral top:

This party seems kind of chill anyways so that's why I'm not wearing anything too fancy

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This party seems kind of chill anyways so that's why I'm not wearing anything too fancy. After getting my clothes together, I head out my front door. I use google maps to locate me to Nicole's house since we're all getting ready there.

After about a ten minute drive, I arrive at Nicole's house.

The second I ring the front door bell, she answers.

"Hey girl!" She exclaims as she opens the door.

"Hey. Your house is so nice." I say, looking around.

"Thank you." She says as she closes the front door. We head up to her room. Emma and Vicki are already inside, getting ready.

"Hey Lana." They both say with a smile


"I'm so excited for this party tonight, I need to look hot." Vicki states, applying some makeup on.

"Can someone curl my hair?" I ask.

"Sure." Nicole responds as she gets her curling iron out.

An hour or so later.....

"Holy shit Lana, you look hot." Vicki says as I enter her room after going to the bathroom to change.

"Girl Tyler is going to be all over you tonight." Emma states.

"Aww thanks guys." I say with a smile. I actually do feel kind of pretty which is rare for me. My naturally straight hair is curled for once.

"Okay guys let's head out now." Nicole states.

"I can drive." Vicki offers.

"Sounds good."

The second we enter, we're greeted by the music blasting from the speakers. It's already super crowded.

"IT'S SO LOUD." Vicki shouts from over the music.

"I KNOW." I state. I then follow the girls into the kitchen where all the drinks are.

"Are you going to have anything?" Nicole asks me.

"Nah I'm good for tonight. Last party was too much for me." I say.

"Fair enough." Emma says as she opens up a beer can. I couldn't help but think about Tyler. Where is he? He's probably at this party even though we didn't talk about going at all. I scan the area, looking for him and sure enough, I see him talking in a group with his friends. He looks over to me, and he looks surprised that I'm here. He then gives my body an up and down and winks before continuing back to his conversation. I almost choke on my own saliva at that. I am definitely blushing right now.

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