Chapter 13- I Don't Remember

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I walk to the faculty room, exhausted after my shift. The club was especially busy today. Once I enter, I see Chris is already there, on his phone.

"Is your phone the purple one?" He asks me, looking up.

"Yeah why?"

"It keeps blowing up, miss popular." He says. I walk over to grab my phone, curious as to who is texting me. I see its a bunch of texts from Nicole, Emma, Hazel and Vicki.




What's up???



I came up with the perfect idea!


Well are you going to say what it is?


Meet at my house at 3. And please hurry because we need to start getting ready...


Um okay??


I'm scared

I wonder what she is planning. I check my phone to see that it's 2:50. Shit, I should probably head to Vicki's now. It shouldn't take long to get there considering that everything in this town is within the same radius of each other.

"I'm going to head out. See ya." I say to Chris as I walk out of the building. Finally, my shift is over. I get my paycheck soon and I am so excited to see how much I've made. After a short drive, I pull into the front of Vicki's house. I see everyone else's cars already parked in front.

"Hey Aunt Susan." I say with a smile once she opens the door.

"Hey Lana. The girls are upstairs in Vicki's room." She says frantically before turning back to the kitchen.

"Babe where is my tux?" My uncle calls from the living room. They must be going somewhere..

I begin to make my way upstairs.

"Heyy." I say to everyone as I enter her room.

"Hi." They all greet me in response.

"Vicki are your parents going somewhere?" I ask.

"Yes, which is why I brought all of you here so you can hear my amazing idea." She begins.

"I think I know where this is going, and I love it." Hazel says with excitement.

"Well my parents leave in an hour for the airport because they are going to some wedding. So no parents means the house will be empty..." Vicki explains. I automatically know where she is going with this.

"I'll post about it on my story to let everyone know." Hazel says as she grabs her phone out.

"What time is this party going to be?" I ask.

"I'm not sure. 8 I guess." Vicki says with a shrug.

"Well we should head out now so we can get all the alcohol and snacks." Nicole suggests. Vicki walks over to her nightstand and grabs her keys from the drawer.

"Let's go bitches."

"What type of alcohol are we getting exactly?" I ask from the front seat of Vicki's jeep.

"Tequila, beer and white claws." Vicki says.

"Don't worry Lana, no vodka will be at this party." Nicole says with a laugh.

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