Chapter four

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Auburn Jane

The crowd was dancing and yelling our names, we felt on top of the world, like nothing could stop us. NIall was playing guitar and Harry and I were singing side by side. Louis was playing the drums and Zayn was on the other side playing the guitar as well.

Seeing people dance around to the music you put so much of your time and effort in is such a rewarding feeling. I felt the lightest I had ever felt being on that stage. Almost like I was unstoppable and the best part was I knew I was going to do it the next night. Being on tour felt like a high, something I couldn't get enough of.

"So as a group what is the best part of being an artist?" Asked James Corden.

We were sitting together on the couch next to James' desk, I collected my thoughts for a second and then repeated to James the thought I had five seconds prior before he asked anything.

"I love that answer, I can tell you all are very down to earth and that you genuinely love what you do which brings to my next question, Are the rumors true about you and Harry Ms.Jane?" James said calmly.

"I'm sitting right here James," Harry said while looking frustrated. I felt bad because I knew he didn't like that there were times where the hosts would ask questions about him directly to my face while he was literally sitting right next to me. I was more upset because I didn't know what I was going to say, this wasn't in the script and I hadn't prepared for it before we were on air like I usually do.

I gave Harry a slight look and then shrugged before saying "I would say that whatever is happening between Harry and I is going well but it has nothing to do with anyone in the public. I saw some tweets last night and I would just like to say that just because two friends go out to eat does not mean that they are dating and it is extremely rude to make an accusation without Harry or I even saying anything directly to the public."

"That's a lie I saw him kiss your hand, you guys are more than friends!" A girl yelled from the crowd.

I sat there for a second before I composed myself and came up with an answer.

"Harry and I are not together, and I am no longer discussing anything else that has to do with romantic relationships between anyone in the band. We are more than who we are deciding to spend our time with and I find it super disrespectful that sometimes our fans spend more time gossiping about us than supporting our music."

"I think that's our sign we should take a 5 minute break" James announced before he almost pushed us backstage.

The whole time we're getting moved to the back all I can think about is the punishment I'm going to get from our managers later saying that they can't believe that I would run my mouth the way that I just did on stage.

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse my mom called.

"I heard that you were sleeping with that bandmate of yours, is that true?" she had said while sighing so loudly I could clearly hear it through the phone.

"Well hello to you mother, and I'm really busy right now, about to go back out to do an interview with James Corden. Too bad you're busy seeing my life all over twitter rather than actually asking me yourself. I'm sorry I haven't been reaching out but I know that you wouldn't reach out if your life depended on it. As much as I miss you mom I want nothing more than for this phone call to end so is there anything else I can educate you on this morning." I said while tucking my hair behind my ears.

"I'm sorry I haven't been reaching out I promise I've wanted to, I just didn't know what to say and I thought it would be best if I stayed away. You look so happy without me."

"We both know that's a load of bullshit. Have a nice day mom." I said before hanging up the whole and placing my hand on my forehead.

I could tell that I was about to experience a headache and so I took an ibuprofen before heading back out on stage.

When I got back out there everything went back to normal and the interview flowed better than it did the first time we attempted to do it. Once it was over we went back home and laid on the couch for what felt like hours.

"I think that we should write a song about what happened today," Niall said while reaching for his guitar.

"Nothing happened today though,"

"Yes something did happen Harry, we were caught off guard and felt like we had no sense of privacy. That's what our next song is going to be about, the feeling of being watched like we're zoo animals with no emotional feelings or personal life besides what is being displayed on social media." Niall said.

"That's actually a great idea," I chimed in while grabbing my notebook and pen so we could brainstorm some lyrics and come up with more ideas of what we would like the song to actually be about. I was more excited to make music than I had been in a while.

I cuddled up next to Harry and then we began to write our next single and then if things ended up going well then we were most likely going to continue on and pick a few melodies that could work for possible other songs on the album. That way it was killing two birds with one stone and making the album making process easier for us down the line. 

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