Chapter 3

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"Fun fact I've watched this movie about 100 times" the curly-haired girl looked over to Imogen noticing the girl fell asleep.

'She must not see the beauty of film' the brunette thought.

Suddenly the girl felt her phone vibrate, when she picked it up she saw that her mom was calling and her eyes widened.

"Shit..." she said and looked over at the blonde before slowly getting up and stepping outside.

As soon as the door closed she answered the phone "hey mom, what's up?" she cleared her throat.

"Why did I just get a call saying you and Imogen aren't in school."

"You know that is a very good question mom which I believe we should answer when we get home Goodbye-"

"Don't hang up on me, answer my question."

She let out a sigh "Imogen wanted to stay in her house for the day and I didn't just want to leave her alone mom, I'm sorry if you're mad but I just wasn't letting her stay by herself so punish me if you want-"

"I wasn't going to punish you I just wanted to see if you would tell me the truth, one of Imogen's old neighbors told me they saw you two enter the house and not leave, I figured that's what was happening."

"So you aren't mad?" she said slowly.

"Of course, not honey I get it, and I get why you stayed I appreciate it... but just don't let it happen again can't risk your grades slipping."

She smiled "okay mom thank you it won't happen again I promise."

"Be home before curfew please, the both of you."

"We will bye mom," she said before hanging up the phone.

She took a deep breath before walking back into the house seeing the blonde still asleep.

As she walked into the living room she stepped on the wood floor which creaked under her foot.

The blonde flinched away and looked around in a panic before her eyes landed on Tabby, she visibly calmed down at the sight of her.

"You scared me."

"Sorry..." she said before sitting back down on the couch "my mom called I stepped out to answer."

"What did she want?"

"She wanted to see why we weren't in school" she leaned back.

"Was she mad?"

"Surprisingly no but she did say to get back home by curfew."

The blonde silently nodded before turning back to the tv "how much of the movie did I miss?"

"Practically the whole thing, you know I don't appreciate the disrespect I mean you fell asleep during a very iconic movie."

"Sorry some of us can't stay away for the entire duration of the wizard of oz."

The brunette hummed "fine you're forgiven."

Imogen playfully rolled her eyes before looking back at the tv.

When they eventually made it back home they saw the house completely empty.

"Weird" Tabby said setting her backpack on the ground and making her way into the kitchen where she saw a note on the table.

"Where's your mom?"

The brunette read the note and looked up "my mom had to go do something for her firm, she said she left lasagna in the oven so I hope you're hungry."

"I'm starving I haven't eaten all day" Imogen admitted and took off her coat.

"You didn't eat anything?? I thought you got something out of the kitchen" she said opening the oven and taking out the lasagna.

"Nope," Imogen said taking out two plates along with some silverware.

"You should've told me I would've walked to the store and got you something," she said putting some food on the plate for the girl.

"I'm okay Tabby you don't have to worry."

The brunette couldn't help but worry but she just shook her head and shrugged it off "right sorry."

She sat down and started eating her food.

"So are you going to go back to school tomorrow," she said over a mouth full of food.

"Sadly yes I will be."

"You aren't scared?"

"I mean..." she took a bite of the lasagna "I was at first but it's nothing I'm not used to, kids used to talk about me when they found out I was pregnant this will be a piece of cake."

Tabby frowned slightly at the statement but just silently nodded and went back to her food.

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