Chapter 1- A New Chapter

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Hello Readers! This is the sequel to my first story. Please feel free to comment below on this story. (Not too mean please, I have feelings too). Enjoy! ***DISCLAIMER***This has nothing to do with the fast and furious movies. Expect no Brian or Dom etc. All the ideas are from my head. Also, be sure to click on that little orange star! Follow me on Instagram at d4rkst4r720 for sneak peeks! (and also to support me!) TYSM!

Frostee 's POV

      "I swear by all my heart, that I will help the government, as a spy and a citizen, always making sure the world is a better place." Ms. Nowhere smiled," Sissy Benson, you are now a junior spy racer! Well technically not a racer, since you aren't old enough to drive yet, but a spy!" I beamed and cheered my sister on proudly. Tony, Layla, Cisco, and Echo whooped, "Good to have you join the team sis!" Ms.Nowhere sniffed, "GARY! We've got to go!" I chuckled, Ms. Nowhere had a sensitive side. A while later, she came back into the room, "Sissy, come with me. We've got some training to do before you become a spy." Sissy glared at me," You never mentioned that." I crossed my arms. "Being a spy takes a lot of training." Sissy rolled her eyes and followed Ms. Nowhere out of the room," Bye, losers." Sissy said with a wave of her hand.

    Hi, my name is Frostee, and I'm part of the spy racers team. Cisco is the big bottomless pit, Layla's the wildcard,  Echo's the artist and eco- engineer, and Tony says he's the glue that holds us together. "It's true!" Tony interrupts," A year ago, we took down a private island and I found my sister and her boyfriend. Tony and Paige inherited the island and she built a spy headquarters for us. Shashi and Paige have some pretty strong connections with powerful around here. If the government approves, we could use the headquarters. With Shashi and Paige included, our family would be complete!" Layla swings her ponytail and Tony drapes an arm around her shoulder (Did I mention they're dating now?), "Again with this family stuff? Chill it, they might not even be approved yet, we'll find out this week." I can't wait to see the new HQ, if Shashi and Paige don't get approved, then what will the HQ be for? There are already brand new spy gadgets and cars inside with the latest tech. "All good thoughts, all good thoughts." Cisco walked into the room, balancing hamburgers on his arms.

     My pocket started buzzing, and I picked it up. It was Paige, I put her on the loudspeaker. "GUYS!" Her smooth, sweet voice crackled, "Guess what?! I got approved! We're going to be able to start our own spy company." "YEAH!!!" We cheered. I was so happy, and just like that, a new chapter of our lives had begun. We were all shocked when Paige and Tony cut the ribbon to our new HQ.

    There are simply no words to describe our excitement as we enter the new HQ. It was so big and oh, did I mention we each had a special room in the HQ where we could chill and enjoy ur hobbies while we weren't on any missions. I entered my room and there was a huge computer and a lab completed with chemicals and tools. I brushed my hands on the white counter and there I found a shelf filled with every flavor of yoka! I raced out to thank Paige, and that's when I found them sitting in front of a projected screen. 

"What exactly are you guys doing?" I asked them, confused. 

"We're waiting for our first case!" Tony shouted excitedly, not taking his eyes off the screen. Paige stood up and brushed her pants, "Shashi and I have a meeting. Call us when you get a case and we'll come over. Bye!" They left and we resumed our wait, we waited and waited, but no case.  "Waiting is exhausting. Tony said and slumped down in his seat. Suddenly, an alarm sounded in the projector. "It's a case!" Echo shouts excitedly.

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