...unfair treatment...

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3rd POV:

Again as with the previous day Bakugo as well as Midoriya found themselves enjoying the day together in the pool getting some sun as well as enjoying playing in it. One might be a bit more aggressive and dirtier than the other one but they enjoyed it nonetheless. It was only when Bakugo got back again before everyone else that they had to complain.

Jiro: Laundry was better than cooking.

Katsuki: The bathroom was fairly easy..

Hagakure: You're one to talk!! I had fourteen bathrooms to do! And people kept using them!! SO I had to go back and scrub continuously!

Denki(Whispers): Damn sister snapped...

Mina: Did you ever try to find a rice corn in a green football field? It's IMPOSSIBLE!

Kirishima: My arms hurt...

Sero: My back hurts....

Yuuga: My body is shaking... I think my bones have melted.

Uraraka: Why are we even doing this?

Katsuki: One word. Pranks.

Uraraka: No, I mean why we listening to him? We are 20 people against one. He can't win against heroes in trainings.

Katsuki: They have guns.

Iida: I haven't seen him carry one.

Todoroki: Concealed weaponry.

Izuku: Oh I don't quite like guns. These are more my style, Princess.

It was once again Midoriya who managed to get in without anyone hearing him. Not only that but he came behind Iida and had the dagger pointed right at his neck. One wrong move and Iida would have been hurt for sure.

Mineta: You psychopath!!

Izuku: You princess shouldn't be the one talking, perverted ass. Now strip and go 40 lapses in underwear. You like them that much after all.

Katsuki: Sir, is there a particular reason you're here?

Izuku: I was here to check up on you all after the second day. I can't have you, princesses fainting on me for nothing.

Katsuki: Can we have some food then? They haven't eaten yet...

Izuku: Yes. Get to the cafeteria, except you Bakugo. You've done a bad job with your scrubbing. What was that, down to your knees and on all four and you still this blind? You coming with me!

Katsuki: Sir, with all due respect. You were staring at me the whole time... How was I supposed to with your glare fixed on me?

Izuku: Of course I was watching this wreck it Ralph in a dress to see if he would make the damn toilets explode or not. Now you wanna talk back and run some lapses or will you be a good boy and come with me? Damn Pomeranian, with a Chihuahua attitude.

Katsuki: I'm not offended that easily, you'll have to try harder and I'm coming with you.

Izuku: Oh really? Want me to pull up some of your fancy past? I know every single thing about you all! I know everything even how you little shitters looked like as babies.

Mina: Sir, sorry for interrupting... what ever this is, but there is no food left.

Izuku: Then make some yourself!

Uraraka: But you have chefs here!

Izuku: You really haven't learned it yet, have you?

Without any warning, he threw the dagger at Uraraka which immediately pinned her outfit to the next wall. No one could get the dagger out of the wall. It was this hard thrusted in it and that was an accomplishment on it's own.

Izuku: You have something to say to me Kirby?

Uraraka(Tearing up): No sir!

Izuku: I can't hear you! Louder!

Uraraka(Sobbing): YES SIR!

Izuku: Good.

He pulled the dagger out which was fairly easy to himand went his way with Bakugo to enjoy some first class steak.

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