chapter 7

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Over the day of cullens finding out about the identity of the vigilante Redhood and it's YN Rosalie was in shock that her mate that she just got is Redhood but not only that the cullens saw him killed multiple newborn vampires like nothing and he got some type of ammunition that is able to kill vampire and they saw he's face looking different he had pale skin and veins were appearing on his skin and his teeth sharpen they need to find out what YN really is

The cullens are out hunting after school and YN was not at school today they are wondering where is he right now and that when they see YN on his motorcycle and he is driving they followed him and he stop at a big cabin meaning this is where he lives he got off his bike and took off his helmet then stopped and looked at the woods looking at them

YN: I know you are there so come out

The cullens sees that there is no point in holding anymore Rosalie looks at Edythe with a serious look

Rosalie: Edythe you better keep your mouth shut the entire time don't say anything got it

Edythe roll her eyes

Edythe: whatever

The cullens walk out of the woods and YN faceing them with his arm's cross and looks at his sister and his mate

YN: so what are you here for

Edward: we know what you are you're the vigilante Redhood YN

YN: yes I am

Esme: why did you become a vigilante

YN: I want to make sure innocent people don't my pain I have been tortured people like the joker deserved to die

Jasper: what are you really you kill multiple newborns own your like they were nothing to you

YN: you'll know soon

YN looks at Alice

YN: how much do you remember

Alice: remember what

YN: your human life

Alice: I don't remember anything after I was turned i have nothing about my past but why are you asking

YN: just wanted to see how much you remember sis

Rosalie: why did you call her sis

YN: remember my sister I told you about Rosalie you see her real name is Mary Alice Brandon and that was once my last name my birth name is YN Brandon and Alice is my sister

Emmett: what

Alice: I don't have a brother from my past

YN: maybe this will help

YN then starts telling a story it was like a story for a bedtime story as YN finish the story Alice then gets a vision not about the future but her past and she remember now she remembers her past her human life and she has a twin brother and it's YN right in front of her as she looks at him

Alice: big brother

YN: yeah it's me little sister

Alice runs to YN and hugs and starts crying in his shoulder well actually crying dry tears as hugs her back as the cullens are in shock to see that YN and Alice are biological siblings

YN: hey hey it's okay I'm here

Alice: don't leave me

YN: I'm not going anywhere Alice big brother here

Rosalie: I was right you two are biological siblings

YN: yeah Rosalie and I been searching for her for the past 100 years

Jasper: how are you still alive

YN: I'll tell you inside

They nodded and everyone goes inside YN big cabin and they see how nice the place is

Emmett: nice place

YN: thanks

Everyone goes to the living room as the cullens seat down on the couchs but YN is standing up

Carlisle: YN can you tell us how are you still alive

YN: well I'm a vampire

That shock them but he didn't have red eyes or golden eyes as his scent is different but smells like a human

Edythe: wait if your a vampire how come you have red eyes

YN: well that because I'm a different type of vampire I'm part of a vampire species called Dracula Untold

Edward: Dracula untold

YN: yeah that's the name of my kind you're faster stronger then your kind you are called cold one's

Carlisle: how come I never heard about your kind

Carlisle is confused he's been walking on this earth since the 16th century and have not heard anything about different vampires such as Dracula untold

YN: because Dracula untold have been around before cold one's exist and been hidden some don't even know about my kind some do

Emmett: how did you become vampire

YN: I was dying when I was attack by a cold one I was on my way to visit Alice at the Asylum but I got attack I tried my best to fight back but I lost they about drain me dry but I was on the ground dying but that I was found by a Dracula untold vampire and he turn me by giveing me some of his blood

Edward: his blood turn you

YN: yeah my kind we don't bite humans to turn them we just have to give them some of our blood

Carlisle: if Aro finds out about and your kind there by a war with the your kind and the volturi

YN: if Aro wants a war we'll give him one but knows he will lose

Alice: what is your diet YN

YN: well Alice I do feed on humans but only criminals or blood bags

Rosalie: how long you been the Redhood

YN: a few years Rosalie

Jasper: if you are vampire from a different species how are the one who are just turn

YN: when a human becomes a Dracula untold they'll be confused but once they sees what they are they'll get use to their new life and power

Edythe: wait if your Rosalie mate and your a vampire and that's means

YN: yes she's my mate and I'm her we become mates as soon we saw each other

Later on YN and the cullens have the meeting for some time soon then they began to leave but Alice said she wanted to stay with her brother and spend time with him since he's the only blood family she's have right later YN and Alice spend time together with Rosalie

To be continue

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