Adventures of Cole: Power source

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                                                                              CHAPTER 1

  Poisonous gas was rushing into Cole's lab at an extream rate and over powering Cole's mind.

"Note to self: fix the gas container in the lab " Cole gasped into his handheld recorder.Using the last of his strength he hit the emergency air filter button that was in his lab,then collapsed onto the floor listening to the sound of the air being vacuumed from the room and clean air replacing it.

 A day later he woke up to a murmur of voices and the sound of a bed pan being kicked.

"You are lucky to be alive young man" says one of the nurses in the room.People in the hall and room began to come into focus and as he started to grasp the situation. I see i must have passed out after the chlorine tanks blew Cole thought to himself. He tried to sit up, but had a small coughing fit and the nurse gently pushed him back down and gave him some water. After a minute more rest he relined the bed up and checked the damage with i few bigger breaths but ended with another coughing fit.

"Rest a bit more son, you still have lots of respiratory damage a day or two more with an oxygen tank and you'll be good as new,but you have to rest!" the nurse said giving him a bit more water.

Later that day Cole was released and sent home with a warning to stay on oxygen for the next two days to be safe,but Cole was too cool to trudge around with an oxygen tank like an old guy. He in a way prided himself in his youth and genius and that was an insult to both. To retaliate as soon as he got out the door of the hospital he tossed the oxygen tank and tubes into the bushes and strolled to his house which was a mere 2 blocks it also happened to be 1/2 a block from his lab for obvious reasons. Arriving at the front door of his fortress of solitude he was gasping and wheezing.

"Didn't think it would be that hard after only a little poison.cough. Willow can you turn up the oxygen levels in the house for me,please"

"Yes master ,increasing rat toxins"

"No willow oxygen, OXYGEN!"

"Oh right i knew that...."

   Willow was Cole's robot maid built into his house's structure and controls almost every aspect of the house, but she still has a few voice command issues and bugs but he was working on it,slowly. The house Willow is built into is a 50 roomed,3 storied structure that was a test for future office buildings but it was abandoned because of to many flaws that were realized to late. The first floor is his personal living quarters and guest rooms that collect dust. All the remaining rooms are for his inventions each project in a room and the projects inside are noted on door signs with their status and needs. Cole bought up the 10 acres it was on ,and finished building it himself installing Willow in the process along with reinforcing the walls and fixing structual  flaws.He also included a bacement for parts storage and a capsule pipeline like they have at banks,which went to every room.

   The front door swooshed open with the dull sound of metal on metal and a breeze as the A/C kicks on. Cole trudges over the the sofa and lays down with a heavy sigh ,takes a few deep breaths of fresh air and drifts to sleep for a small nap.

   Cole awoke from his short rest an hour later in a coughing fit and struggled to the kitchen for a cup of water and some coughing medicine,gross in his opinion. He went and stiffly sat in his fluffy arm chair sipping at water to wash the horrid taste of cherry flavored cough syrup out of his mouth. By now it was about 5 in the evening and the darkening sky was turning shades of orange and purple in a master piece of color intertwined with white fluffy clouds. His chair faced towards the backyard to a wall of glass doors and windows, he stares out into the sky but not watching the world outside but the computer screen installed in the window panes which were thankfully bullet proof and practically bomb proof too.His keyboard is installed on one arm of his chair that swivles around to be in front, the other arm flattens out into a flat area which is a touch screen type deal.One of Cole's early inventions.

  You see,unlike most people who do what ever they want after work ,Cole loved his work . He was an electronic engineer that helped improve electronic gadgets,but on his spare time an inventor. Science was his passion and close friend and was always on his mind. A inventor ,but not of the average boring new toothpaste and T.V. remote kind ,he was on a whole different level that couldn't be matched. Possibly smarter than Einstein and The Wright Brothers put together but couldn't be confirmed cause they were dead and raising the dead didn't work out last time and they are still writing about it and even making movies! He's made countless contraptions from inspiration he gets from regular day things ,but most of them came from books,fiction books, because nothing is impossible for him.

  Cole was too smart to let most of his inventions into the world because the effect could destroy everything even if it weren't a weapon, the economy could be thrown off balance,so instead he kept them to him self in solitude for only his personal use. The only time he sold them was when he needed a few million for parts or living expenses and only some of the smaller projects were sold.

  Finally coming back into reality cole had thought of a new invention and dashed to get blueprint paper ,but broke down into a cough half way up the stairs . He didn't believe he needed the elevator and ripped it out and made it a multi-purpose chute for invention scraps,trash and such.He finally made it into his brainstorming room at the top of the stairs on the second floor,first door on the right. Sat down in his plush rolly chair and spun it across the room to the water cooler for a drink and back across to the paper storage and then to his desk to get to sketching. He kept at it intensely for a good two hours and was glanced at the clock reading 8:45. He'd spent too long thinking and still hadn't eaten since the hospital and needed some brain juice.

"Willow would you mind making some dinner while i make my way to the kitchen"

"yes sir master Cole what do you want to eat?"

"I think Chinese sounds good,how about some kung pow chicken and won ton soup , don't for get my fortune cookie ,thank you willow" 

  If there was one thing willow didn't misunderstand it was food. Cole had made very sure that she got that right if nothing else. He loved to eat but was still very physically fit from all the work he does on the rather heavy projects. Sitting down at one end of a family sized table was a steaming take out box and bowl of luke warm soup. Cole sat him self down and chowed down but the more he ate the slower he got and his head began to watch. After the meal he collapsed with the spoon in his mouth.With the last of his will he mumbled,


  Little mechanical arms picked up the chair and drove it along set routes in the floor to the master bedroom and slid Cole peacefully onto his king sized water bed ,he settled in while asleep and began his trip to dreamland with wonderful thoughts of gears and gizmos.

     5:48 A.M ripples streamed over the surface of Cole's water bed causing him to half slide off the end. Another tremor sent him to a rude awakening on the floor.ow Cole thought to himself while rubbing his newly bruised forehead.

     "Blasted annoyances of the world! waking up such a mighty man as i, you will pay" Cole only gets really mad at two things and one is being woken up when he doesn't want to.The other is being disturbed during a meal,ruins the flavor he says. Grabbing his robe and a golf club he went to go find the source of the tremors. Standing on the out back patio looking out though the dark grey morning light he sighted a dim blue glow that shimmered against the grass waving in the morning breeze. The object was on the edge of his property so Cole went inside and grabbed his hover bunny slippers and hovered through the house around furniture to the back door and then across the lawn. Increasing his speed with a wiggle of his toes then arriving within seconds golf club still in hand.

    The sphere sat harmoniously humming with some amazing energy and giving off a faint glow through small tubes like veins in a body pulsing through.Cole fought with him self in his mind whether to get closer or get away but his curiosity was over powering in his slow, sleepy mental state. Hovering lower to the ground Cole clicked his slipper heels together and they truned off plopping him down on the lawn and took a few unsure steps toward the silhouette the then circled it once or twice. It appeared to be a sphere proped up on three legs with blue pulsing light running around it like a vine of light. Then a sudden hiss that scared Cole out of his slippers erupted from the sphere. Now 10feet away from his foot wear,Cole stood back and watched a hatch open from the top much like a submirine. Fog spilled out of the opening and a hand reached over the edge and grabbed the rim. It seemed human, it was a small petite hand ,very pale and graceful with every move.

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