Hey guys, this is not an update as many of you were expecting. Sorry for that.
I am writing this because this is something I want to say. And for me I think it is necessary.
Guys, recently when I updated the latest chapter of this story, one of the readers ( I will not take or reveal the name ) wrote in the comments that I was only a Kartik fan because I am writing this story from Kartik pov and I don't understand Naira's pain. That kartik is a boy and so I am not blaming him, that I don't understand Naira's self respect and dignity. And if any of you think that, i apologize for it because it was never my intention.
When I wrote back explaining the things, the person deleted the comment.
Guys, I want to clarify one thing, when I look at KaiRa, I just don't favor one person over the other. I try to look at them from a neutral pov, i try to understand both sides. No one is perfect, neither are KaiRa.
I can give many examples in which Naira was right and Kartik was wrong and i can give many examples in which Naira was wrong and Kartik was right. And guys those who think that Kartik never supported Naira, they should see the serial again, because I can give you examples where Kartik has taken Naira's side without even questioning her.
And now we come to seperation tracks. Many people think that only one person was wrong and the other was completely innocent. Guys everyone has there own pov. And according to me for the first separation both of them were responsible.
And when we come to second seperation Kartik was responsible for the majority of it, that is why I have shown Kartik going through so much guilt. I have always respected naira for her self respect, so I always believed that when she decided to leave Kartik, it was ok.
What I don't agree was Naira faking her death. She should have left him and should have gone to singhaniya's. Naksh would have supported her. When she faked her death, she did wrong with everyone else in both the families.
Many people think that when everyone came to know she was alive, they should have just accepted her and should have moved on. Guys this doesn't happen that way. It takes time to accept the fact that the person for whom you have mourned for so many years is alive. Kartik couldn't just accept it that easily and neither were rest of the family members.
Now many people will think that i am justifying kartik's behaviour. Guys just put yourself once in Kartik's shoes and think. You cry for five years, you blame yourself thinking that you are responsible for your spouse's death but one day you suddenly find that your significant other is alive, would you just suddenly accept the fact and move on ?
One more thing i would like to say is that Kartik did a very big mistake by doubting on Naira. And one of the person I blame is Mitali. Mihir's girlfriend. She was the one who initially put seeds of doubt in kartik's mind and she didn't just stop there. She was also the one who showed Kartik that video which led to him ultimately questioning Naira.
And if we go back this was the same thing Naira did. When everyone was blaming kartik as joru ka gulam. Instead of keeping faith in kartik, she also started taking actions which caused a big strain in there relationship.
Now I know that some people will think it is not right to compare these. But in both cases one thing which is common is that they themselves didn't start doubting the other till the time it was other people who put these thoughts in there head.
Guys, i don't take sides. I love KaiRa as we all do. When I see them, i see there qualities and there faults. Both of them have helped each other and both of them had hurt each other. No one is superior and no one is inferior. For me KaiRa represents equality in a relationship.
This is all I wanted to say guys.