[1] "MY BURGER!"

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God did you hate this, it happened each time too! It felt as though each time you tried to open the god forsaken game it blue screened your whole damn PC! With a frustrated groan you leaned back into your increasingly cozy chair, staring at the big bold letters that read:

"The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe"

With a breathless sigh you rubbed your eyes and glanced up at the clock in the corner of your room. Strange, you know for a fact you haven't been awake for so long. The clock clearly read "3:23 AM"

What are you having memory loss now or what? You decided to just scroll through the games steam page, looking at the random pictures and videos that normally popped up. 'course you haven't just bought the game without any knowledge of what it was about, sure you might have spoiled it for yourself, but it would be worth it once you got the game, you had said to yourself at that time, stupidly unaware that the damned game wouldn't even work once you had it.

You shook your head, getting up to make yourself something to eat. you looked around your room, then out the hallway. Gods were you glad you had secured a proper house, hell it was even by the beach! Normally those cost quite alot, but considering the fact that the guy who you bought it off of said it was unstable and might collapse into the sea it made sense why it didn't really cost that much. You quickly considered changing into pyjamas or something, since you knew from experience that sleeping in jeans and a t-shirt wasn't that comfortable. 

But you decided against it, wondering passed the closet, out into the dark hallway and down the stairs to the kitchen. You searched through the fridge, snatching a quick microwaveable burger and shoved it into the oven. As you waited you looked around your kitchen, nice calming pastels that you refused to paint over, mixed almost perfectly with the blacks and whites of the room. you heard a quick ring and pulled out the burger, placing it on a plate and so the return to your room began. Though the closer you got the louder the strange fizzling noise became, sudden worry dug itself into your head, causing you to start jogging up the stairs and down the hallway.

You weren't sure how to react, a lady (or so you assumed, as her back was facing you) stood in the very center of your room, glancing around with a starkly blank expression, though her eyes told you she seemed rather curious, speaking of her eyes, the two of you were staring right at each other. it only dawned on you now how much she looked as if she came straight from a business meeting, with a clean light grey suit and skirt to match. And then well.. then there was the extra pair of arms. 

"whO THE FUCK ARE YOU??" You cried out, dropping the plate in the confusion. The poor lady visibly flinched at your strong tune of voice, and gripped a cable, which was attached to her and was leading to the PC screen, going straight through it??

"What a reaction" she groaned lightly, eyes narrowed in you direction, "lets get this over with, dear" She suddenly pointed at you. Your PC screen clearly showed the main menu of The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe, speaking of your PC screen, it was also shaking, which quickly switched to a thundering as several yellow cables shot out of it. Like a deer in headlights you didn't move, it only seemed like your brain kicked in right as the cables started pulling you towards the screen, managing a shout of alarm as you kicked your chair, hoping to use it to stop moving, but it went the wrong way.

Being pulled up and onto the desk your legs went first through the screen, and by gods does that feel wrong. gripping onto both side of the screen you turned your head at the lady. Spotting a small nametag on her suit you got an idea. letting go of the screen you just managed to yell out "Screw you Curator!!"

Glad you managed to catch her off guard you flipped her off with both hands as you disappeared into the screen.

The same sizzling feeling over took your body, a feeling you've felt before, it felt so wrong, as if you were getting strung up as a puppet, a toy.

Your vision faded as your body did, faintly making out a line moving in the distance, seeming almost sentient,

And everything went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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