2. Sunrise

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After a fairly sleepless night, you got up and dressed yourself in your uniform and gray haori. Sanemi was already up, getting ready for a mission, and you made yourself busy by preparing a simple breakfast for the two of you. After eating in silence, he set off on his mission, promising to be back soon.

Knowing that the flame Hashira would be at your doorstep at any moment, you set out a covered meal for your younger brother Genya. You tied the purple cloth around your blind eye and stepped outside into the crisp morning air. Just as the light began peeking over the horizon, a certain flame haired man began strolling down the path to your home. An unfamiliar tightness filled your chest, it only got worse when he smiled at you.

"Good morning, ready for training?"

You nodded, taking up your nichirin sword and fastening it to your belt. Kyojiro Rengoku spun around and began marching back the way he had come, making you run to catch up.

"You aren't what I expected the flower hashira to be like." He commented, once you had matched his stride.

You knew exactly what he was talking about. When someone hears the name Flower Hashira, many would instantly think of a beautiful bubbly lady like Mitsuri, someone who would most definitely be wearing colorful clothes. Not a plain, quiet girl with a tattered haori.

"Well, not all flowers are beautiful." Was all you said.

Rengoku looked over at you, giving him a moment to take in your face. "I disagree. But I'm sure you know more than me on such subjects."


After perhaps the most intense exercise regimen you had ever endured, you and Rengoku decided to spar. The few times you got the better of him made you grin in satisfaction. Having always spared with your elder brother, this was a new and interesting experience. You took note of his breathing style, wondering if you could adapt it into your own forms as well.

During your sixth sparring session the purple cloth that covered your eye came loose and fluttered to the ground. Kyojiro viewed your uncovered face for the first time. His expression faltered and his eyebrows knit in concern. Panic contorted your features as you hurriedly covered your left eye with your hand.

He must think I'm hideous, why else would he make that face.

He picked up the eye covering but hesitated in giving it to you. You cowered, trying to avoid his eyes.

"Why are you hiding?" His voice was warm and gentle, much different than his usual loud tone.

"Can I have that back please." You held your free hand out for the cloth. He slowly placed it in your hand and you immediately wrapped it around your head again.

"You don't need to hide your scars, it's alright."

"No it's not. I don't want you to look at me like that."

"Like what?" He seemed genuinely confused.

"Like... nevermind."

"Was it a demon?"

"Yeah, a marechi like me can't get far without them tracking me down. Especially when I was little." For a moment you contemplated telling him the whole story. But you held back, after all you didn't know Rengoku well. "It doesn't matter now. I guess it comes in handy, being a demon slayer, I never really have to go searching for demons."

"I'm sorry, did I upset you?" He asked seriously, his wide eyes fixed on you.

"No, it's nothing."

"The pain you've gone through isn't nothing. You're a very brave person, Y/n Shinazugawa. I've always thought so."

"We only met yesterday..."

"Well I must confess I have been watching you for quite some time now. Ever since we were children I'd see you when I came to the master's estate. And when you were reunited with your siblings, you were always trailing behind Sanemi. I've always wanted to talk to you but whenever I tried to approach you seemed to just disappear into thin air."

Your face heated up so much you thought you had been set on fire. "Is that so?"

"Of course! And now that you aren't running away from me, I can ask you all the questions I want!" He stood up and put his hands on his hips. "Maybe we can even go on a mission together and take out whatever demon harmed you!"

The words tumbled out of his mouth like he hadn't really thought about it before speaking.

However, a faltering smile crept to your lips. "It's already dead. There's nothing to take out anymore."

"Was it my father? I know he's the one who rescued you." Rengoku said solemnly.

"No, that was several years later. I don't remember who saved me. I only saw him once that I know of..."

You recalled the panicked screeches of the demon who had clawed your face open. Something large had slammed into it, sending it flying into the wall.

Kaleidoscopic eyes met yours as you attempted to cover the bleeding gashes on your face. Sight was blurry in your unharmed eye, causing you to only see the fantastic swirl of colors.

"It's alright now little one, no one's going to hurt you now."

You whimpered and shut your good eye as a soft cloth was pressed over the wound.

"That should help for now, how about you come home with me!" His voice sounded airy and light. You found yourself gravitating towards it and your small hands clung to his sleeve.

You were hoisted into the air by strong arms and held against a broad chest. Long blond hair tickled your nose as you instinctively wrapped your tiny arms around the man's neck. He chuckled lightly.

"You are such a precious little thing, I could just eat you up!" He chuckled again like he has made a joke only he could understand. 

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