4. Marked

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"Flower breathing, first form, sakura slash."

The demon's arm that held up the boar headed lad was immediately severed. Both him and the arm crashed to the ground with a sickening thud. The demon in front of you had the head of a spider. Although you had seen many disturbing demons by now, this one really turned your stomach.

"Well, it looks like someone beat you with an ugly stick." You mumbled. "Mind if I put you out of your misery?"

You dodged a slash from the demon's remaining claw. Quickly, you ran up the side of a thick pine tree, flipped backwards and behind the creature before laying down the final blow.

"Sixth form, Wilting Orchid."

The blade twisted in your hand, cutting in a swift X motion, powered by your falling momentum. The creature collapsed to the ground, first the body, then the arms, and the head. Each part neatly divided and already beginning to disintegrate.

"Woah..." The boar headed lad ogled while you sheathed your blade.

"How are you still standing, kid?" You questioned. "Your injuries are really bad."


"That sounds concerning. I think the mountain king needs to take a nap."


"Slayers don't fight other slayers, sweetpea." You grabbed the boy by the pants and dragged him along behind you.


Tanjiro took a sharp breath, looking around for the source of this new and confusing scent.

"Giyuu, I found this boar kid in the woods. Should I take him home?"

You entered the boy's view and the scent became stronger. He held up what was left of his sword with his shaking hands.

"Woah kid, you shouldn't be-"

"Why do you have the scent of a demon?" Tanjiro asked before his vision darkened and he crumpled to the ground.


You had made a fine recovery, although it felt slow to the demon who constantly watched over you. Douma didn't quite know why he continued to visit you in his child form, it just seemed like the right approach. Not that he cared or even considered you had been through a traumatic experience. Being in the guise of a child seemed to put you at ease. He dare say that you were beginning to grow attached to him.

You weren't allowed to interact with many people at the cult that your new caretaker ran. It seemed like there was a different woman every day bringing a plate of delicacies to your room. You never saw them again in the gardens or any of the rooms you were allowed to wander through.

The gardens were your favorite, you'd sit there for hours, memorizing plant names from a giant book you had discovered in the library. Often when his cult duties were over, Douma would come and sit with you under the moonlight.

The walls were high and smooth in the garden and impossible for your small body. Except for one spot where a large cherry tree grew and hung over the edge of the wall. One night while you were alone, you decided to test this idea. It had been months since you first came here and you hadn't been allowed to search for your brothers. You scaled the tree quickly and started inching down the branch. It became thinner and thinner as your balance became more and more precarious.

"What are you doing up there?"

Immediately you wobbled and fell, crashing down into some of the garden's hydrangea bushes. Douma folded his arms and glared down at you.

"What are you doing?" he repeated.


"I've told you, it's too dangerous out there for you."

"I just thought that-"

He huffed and grabbed your wrist to pull you to your feet. His grip was a bit too harsh and you let out a whimper of pain. "I'm sorry Douma, I didn't want to make you mad."

The boy loosened his grip and slipped his hand into yours instead so he could lead you along behind him. "I'm not mad, y/n. You just can't be wandering off, especially without protection."

He pulled you into your private room and had you sit down on your futon. Then he left for a moment and returned for a moment and returned with a steaming cup of herbal tea.

"Drink this." He shoved the cup into your hand.

"What is it for?" You asked timidly, staring into the murky contents of the teacup.

"It will help you rest, there's something I need to do now, but I can't have you feeling any discomfort. So just take it like the good girl you are and it will all be over in the morning."

You looked at him and then at the cup, unsure if you should do as he said.

"Drink it. You trust me right?" He gave you a soft smile and patted your head.

You drank, the tea was bitter, but you managed the whole thing. Soon you felt yourself drifting off and you crawled closer to Douma and laid your head in his lap. He stroked your long hair as you fell asleep. Only when your breathing slowed did he tug back the neck of your kimono and let his fingernails lengthen to their usual state. With light strokes, he carved a shape into your skin. The lines weren't more than scratches but they immediately closed, leaving behind a noticeable purple scar. His dormant blood wouldn't turn you, only keep you safe with his scent. Any demon who came across you would immediately know you were property of Upper Two.


"I don't think I'm disliked." Giyuu said in confusion, he turned to you. "Am I disliked, Y/n?"

"I don't know, I like you well enough though."

"Well you aren't much better, Y/n." Shinobu giggled softly.

Both you and Giyuu looked at each other in the same tired manor.

"Well at least we have each other." You sighed.

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