[15] I kissed my boss...!

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okay, you got it...the drama you've been waiting for! someone is gonna be here, who hasn't been here yet, and this story just feels so empty without him. this will probably shock you all a little :,(
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Ant's POV


What has happened to me...?

I seem to gradually be changing into a more unstable and awful person. I took a chance, and look where it led me!

For God's sake...I kissed my boss!

Now I've hurt most of my friends...I've broken their hearts. David, Simon...Dec...

How am I going to tell Dec?

He might hate me. God, I couldn't even keep this going for a day. What is wrong with me?


I come back home, from another day at the office. I head to my bedroom. What if I just give it all up? Fake my death, start a new life abroad? I have the money. I could get surgery so nobody recognises me...join a mafia...create a whole new identity?

It isn't like anyone would miss me.

I'd be forgotten within a day. If that. They would all, just, get on with their lives. Whilst I'm on a plane to Mississippi.

I need to talk to someone. So I sit down, then dial up the only person other than Dec who I know I can always rely on.

"Ant, are you okay?"

Bloody hell, my voice came out all croaky. I don't reply to him. I just sit there, finally letting all the salty tears fall down my face. He obviously hears my sniffling.

"Are you at home?"

I nod. But I realise, he can't see that. I manage to squeak out a "Yes".

"I'm coming over."
"NO, DON'T!" I scream.

I realise I probably won't be able to restrain myself. God, I've already kissed two of my colleagues/closest friends today. I don't want to make it three.

"Okay. I'm going to pull up outside your house. I want you to get in the car and we can take a drive and talk about this."

I can't kiss him whilst he's driving.


I hang up then look out of my front window, waiting to see the headlights off his car reflect against the glass. Leaning back in my armchair, I wait. After about 15 minutes, I hear a car horn beep and I notice his car outside my house. It startles me. I think I must have dozed off. I stand up, grab my coat from the porch, and walk out the door towards his car.

I lock the door behind me. I place one foot in front of the other, making my way down the front path. I reach the end of the path. I open the door to his car, getting in and clipping on my seatbelt in silence before closing the door behind me.

We drive along the motorway in silence for a while, before he interrupts the silence.

"So, are you going to tell me what happened?"

"Oh my god...okay. Firstly, I'm so sorry. You're probably gonna hate me after this. But, here we go..."

I let everything out. He watches me intently as I display possibly all the emotions that humankind is capable of. He doesn't flinch when I scream, he passes me tissues when I cry, he laughs when I laugh. He's the perfect listener. He's what I needed right now. But he's not Dec.

"Wow, that's one hell of a week Ant." He says with a laugh.

"You don't hate me?"

"Oh, I could never hate you, pal."

He pulls over to the side of the road. We got off the motorway long ago. He leans over the centre of the car and gives me a hug. ARGH, PHYSICAL CONTACT! But the strange thing is, I can deal with it now. Now that I've let everything out I feel like I could take on the world. Too bad it's 2AM.

"Thank you..." I say, hesitantly.

"That's what friends are for, okay? What I can't believe is that you and Dec only just realised your obvious feelings for each other. I mean, are you blind? All the fans saw it. I even read fanfictions on wattpad about it!"

Wattpad fanfictions? Seriously? I laugh. I can't say that I haven't had a little peak.

He picks up his phone and goes onto his music app, before playing 'You've got a friend in me' from toy story through his car speaker. How apt.

"Thank you for this, Stephen."

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a/n: i'm sorry! I TOLD YOU, I'M SORRY! i couldn't wait any longer for him to be here. WE NEED STEPHEN MULHERN! 👏 but whilst writing this, i had a random thought. what if ant or dec or both are actually writing gay declant fanfics on wattpad and we read them, oblivious? i mean, for all you know, i could be ant mcpartlin behind this screen! i'm not, but HYPOTHETICALLY I COULD BE...what if i'm just saying all this to confuse you, and i am ANTHONY DAVID MCPARTLIN?

just a little something to think about <3

i love yousssss xx

𝖶𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝖨 𝖶𝖺𝗄𝖾 𝖴𝗉 | a. mcpartlin x d. donnellyWhere stories live. Discover now