Chapter 1

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November 4th, 1983

Isabelle Harrington jolted up in bed, looking at her alarm clock.

2:37 flashes red

They'd lost power throughout the night. Great. Who knew what time it was. She threw her blankets back, hopping out of bed and walking across the hall. Steve's door was still shut, so she knocked; once, twice, three times. When she still didn't get an answer, she slowly opened the door, to find her brother buried under a pile of blankets. She walked over to the bed, grabbing his arm and looking at his watch.


"Steve, time to get up. We're going to be late," she said, pulling the blankets back. He immediately grabbed them and pulled them up over his head, grumbling something she couldn't understand, but knew it wasn't nice.

"No, no, no. We're going to be late. The power went out last night so our alarms didn't go off. Come on, up and at 'em! We need to leave in 10," Isabelle explained, leaving the boy to get up and get ready.

She ran back to her room, slamming her door behind her and racing into her bathroom. She brushed her teeth, washed her face, and then went to her closet. Of course, the night she doesn't lay anything out, she's late. She pulls out a yellow sweater, a dark blue skirt, and some kneehigh socks. She threw everything on quickly, brushed her hair, and pulled on a pair of yellow converse. She grabbed her jacket and backpack off the door, and walked out, closing her door and meeting Steve in the hallway.

"You look nice, Belly," Steve said, following her down the stairs.

"Thank you," she said, walking into the kitchen. She scrounged through the pantry, pulling out a pack of Poptarts, strawberry for Steve. She then grabbed a banana off the counter, and walked out the door behind her brother. Once in the car, she handed him one of his poptarts.

"May I take your jacket," she joked, opening her banana and slowly eating it.

"You are so weird sometimes," Steve said, even as he laughed at her joke.

"Don't forget to pick me up tonight," she said, swallowing her last bite.

"I won't," he said, scoffing at her. "Where am I picking you up again?"

Isabelle rolled her eyes. "The Sinclairs. I'd say no later than 10, please?" They pulled up to the middle school, kids still milling around outside. She didn't see her friends, but she did see their bikes. "See you tonight Stevie."

"Have a good one Belly," Steve shouted, already driving off.

Isabelle walked up the walkway, passing a few people she politely said hello to. Once inside, she went straight to her locker. Standing there, were a few of the girls from her class, giggling and gossiping, she was sure.

"Excuse me," she asked, trying to get to her locker.

"Sorry Izzy, we'll scoot down," the one leaning on the girls locker said, motioning for the others to scoot.

"Thanks," Isabelle said, using her combination and opening the door. She hung her book bag up, pulling out the first few books she would need.

"Hey, what are you doing tonight," the girl asked. "We're having a sleepover at Ashley's house, you should come. If you're not busy of course."

Isabelle continued organizing her stuff, not looking at the girls. "I'm going to Lucas' after school, we're having a movie night. Sorry."


"Yeah, Sinclair."

"Just the two of you," the girl asked as the others giggled behind her.

"Well, no. The others will be there. Mike Wheeler, Will Byers, and Dustin Henderson."

1983, A Stranger Things FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now