Chapter Thirteen - Train

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Michael's POV:

After bursting through the door, stumbling like a drunkard, suddenly Julia's limp in my arms, unconscious. I sit there, bewildered. Everything reached its climax in under five seconds.

Julia's arm is bruised and something pink is seeping beneath her skin.

"Help!" I call out to a nearby waitress. She scrambles away towards the telephone to dial 911.

Julia's hand abruptly clutches the collar of my shirt, and she pulls my face down next to hers.

"I'm... I'm..." She whispers hoarsely.

"What? Tell me, what is it!?" I plead. Don't die on my Julia, don't do this!

She lifts up her head, looking at me with fuzzy eyes and rabid foam leaking from her mouth. She croaks and swallows.

"I'm... Goin' off the rails on a..." She struggles to finish her sentence.

"Oh god, don't die! Tell me!" I yell into her ear, tears beginning to stream from my eyes.


She screams so ferociously my hair blows back in the wind.

What's happened to this poor soul?

In the next moment, her eyes open widely and her mouth ceases to produce foam. She sits up quietly.

"Julia...?" I ask.

Her eyes land on me, and her jaw drops.

"Michael Jackson?! You're alive?? Whoa!!!" She exclaims, hugging me.


So obviously the liquid in her veins causes memory loss, considering her current actions.

"Yes, Julia. You've known me for a while, you've just forgotten. What is the last thing you remember?"

"I dunno, uh... I was just getting out of school or something. My friend Mary was there, getting on her bus. Oh my gosh!! I have to tell her you're alive, she really likes you!!" She says hurriedly.

"Julia. Mary and I are married. Remember??? And you're dating Harry Styles," I try to inform her, jog her memory.

"Do not joke around with me OH MY GOSH... Don't you think I would remember if THE Harry Styles was my boyfriend??"

I sigh and walk over to the restaurant's wall phone, dialing Harry's number.

"Hello?" He says slowly at the other end of the line.

"Harry. Come meet me at the diner. Something happened to Julia and she doesn't remember anything. Maybe if she sees you her memory will be restored," I say. For some weird reason, I'm not panicking. Things will turn out alright, they always do, eventually.

"Be there ASAP!" Harry says and hangs up on me.

"Was that him?!" Julia screeches as she lunges towards me, attempting to snatch the phone from my grasp.

"Yes, he's coming to see you."


"Okay..." I answer, a bit hurt.

"No, it's a figure of speech. Like 'no way!'" She says casually.

I nod and turn away. The only thing that does suck about all this is that it delays our little meeting about the wedding. The longer it takes to plan this thing the longer it'll be until we're all together again.

"Oh my gosh," Julia says to herself, squealing. "Ew, what the heck happened to my arm?!"

"I don't know! I would've asked you, but you don't remember anything. There's some sort of pink liquid in your blood, that's all I can see," I reply.

"Ok, something's up here... Is this like a prank or something?"

"No, Julia. Let's just wait for Harry, ok?"

And so we wait. As the time passes by, we both eat lunch, talking quietly.

Eventually the sun begins to set, painting the skies slightly pink. I heck my watch, 4:47 PM. We've been here for about three hours.

"Where is Harry? I wanna see my baby," Julia pouts.

"You remember?!!"

She laughs. "No, but if I really am dating Harry, I wanna see him! You sure you weren't lying...?"

Suddenly the doors to the restaurant burst open. Harry runs inside, carrying a giant cupcake stuffed animal.

"I'm your cupcake!" He yells and holds the toy out to her.

In one moment, things suddenly become like a romantic drama movie.

Julia stands, screaming.

"HARRY STYLES!" She points at him, beginning to cry. Then they race towards each other, preparing to collide in an embrace.

But then things change from "romantic drama" into "horror" as Julia's eyes roll into the back of her head and she faints before ever reaching Harry. She falls to the floor, her nose hitting the tile forcefully.

Harry looks at me, panicked.

"What? What was that?" He questions.

"I dunno! Either she was really excited to finally meet you or it has to do with the liquid inside her."

"Liquid inside her?"

"Yeah she her arm? There's some sort of pink venom in her blood, something must've happened before she got here," I tell her.

I can nearly see his heart begin to pump faster from where I am as his pained gaze falls onto Julia.

Soon enough, she's awake, and crawling towards Harry.

"Babe," she cries.

My breath catches. Does she remember??

They hug and kiss, and I assume so.

Once they're locked up in each other's arms, Julia sighs and says, "This freaky boy named Andres injected me with that liquid... And I guess it made me forget things. Until I saw Harry..." She looks at him. "My true love."

They kiss again, and I find myself momentarily disgusted.

"Well. That's my cue to leave," I say, laughing nervously. "Hey, but tell Mary about that pink liquid. She might find it useful." I begin to walk towards the exit.

"Mike?" Harry calls from behind.


"Thanks for keeping my wife safe."

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