Chapter Thirty Five - Second Star to the Right

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Mary's POV:

I can't do this again. I can't forget. After just returning less than two days ago, it would be torture, a thousand times worse than what I just went through.

Trunchbull presses the needle into the side of my cheek, nearly breaking the skin. She continues to taunt me.

"You remember how hard it was to forget? You're gonna go through that again." She smiles.

My heart is pounding with anticipation. What's worse, this time Trunchbull will be able to give Michael the serum too; there will be no one to rescue us.

I try to figure out how I can remember, how I can find a loop hole. But I know it's useless.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Dean whip a pistol from his belt and immediately fire at Trunchbull.

I flinch at the gunshot. Trunchbull waves her hand simply and the bullet freezes within mid-air, a foot from her face.

Dean sighs with exasperation, letting the gun fall. I don't know any other way to prevent her at this point; no one does.

It makes me sick to my stomach that I'm having to merely submit, again.

Every time, every single time something happens, it goes down like this. I sacrificed myself to ET. When the police came for Michael, we all offered ourselves up. Even the first time the potion was activated: I drank it so absent-mindedly I might as well have handed us over to Trunchbull. I find myself wishing that for just this once, we could stand up. We wouldn't have to lay low in the wake of conflict, we could live, happy.

I always end up like this, in the midst of chaos and only thinking wishfully. Well, wishful thinking doesn't do anything. I'm mad at myself for my negative thought process.

"Just do it," I spit. Growling at Trunchbull is really the only way I can be defiant at this point. She's still smirking down at me evilly.

"Why waste your time chatting me up-" I start to mouth off again, but I am interrupted by the needle being harshly shoved into the apple of my cheek.

I suppose she really is dragging this out as much as she can, enjoying every ounce of victory she can scour from this moment.

All that matters is that I still remember, I think. I just have to tell myself to remember.

"No, don't," Julia croaks from the corner of the room. From a sidelong glance, I can see her pale white fingers shakily clutching Harry's. This is all my fault. Julia has to be separated from Harry now, because of me. If I hadn't just drank that stupid potion, if I had just figured out a way to deal with our return to normal life we wouldn't be facing this.

"You poor little newlywed," Trunchbull says, tilting her head at Julia.

"Go to hell," Harry thunders.

"I have one thing to ask you, Mary, before I do this," Trunchbull says gleefully. "How do you feel?"

I choose this as my moment to stall.

"How do I feel?" I stare. "I'll tell you how I feel. I feel utterly defeated. I feel like screaming and crying, and I feel like all I've done is give up. But you know what else I feel? I feel like punching you straight in your fat ugly face," I explain, finishing my statement by spitting into Trunchbull's eyes.

"Lovely." Trunchbull half smiles, half fumes as she takes a kerchief from her pocket and dabs her face.

"Wait, I have a question, too," Michael speaks up.

"What?!" Trunchbull snarls. I can tell she's becoming impatient.

"How do you feel?"
Now he's stalling, too.

"I feel like I've finally won. I've finally defeated the bad guys and avenged my son's death. You've finally gotten what you all deserve." She licks her chapped lips. "I feel at ease."

"Gross," Sam comments.

"Anyways," Trunchbull prompts, "back to you." She places her meaty fingers on my chin, pulling my face up to hers. The needle twists within my cheek, causing stray blood to spurt from the puncture wound.

"You are going to forget," she tells me with a stone cold expression. "You are going to be alone. All alone. Do you remember how that feels?" Her words stab me like knives. Of course I remember. And soon enough, as I imagine what it will be like to forget again, I really do feel alone.

"You are all alone." Trunchbull laughs, beginning to slowly, very slowly push on the plunger of the syringe. I can feel the pressure of the air and the liquid in the vial in my cheek, and I try to focus on it to escape from her terrifying words.

"No!" Michael screams, so suddenly it makes me jump. "Do not listen to her!"

Trunchbull doesn't look over at him; she concentrated harder on my injection.

"Mary, you are not alone!" He screams. I can hear fury in his voice as well as desperation.

"We're right here!" Dylan yells.

"You've never been alone and you never will be!" Harry shrieks.

"You are not alone!" Julia yells.

"You are not alone!" Sam joins in.

Soon enough everyone is cheering. Despite, the serum in the vial is slowly inching closer and closer to my bloodstream.

"You are not alone!" They scream.


The serum is at the tip of the needle now, I can feel it's coolness against my boiling blood.

But, amidst the chanting, amidst the fear surging within my cheek, I notice that everyone behind me has managed to join hands. They're all stretched out across their frozen feet, clinging to one another's fingers.

They give one final yell.
"You are not alone!"

The serum is in me.

As they scream and as I am injected, a bright yellow glow begins to form around the room. It becomes binding, and eventually it engulfs me.

I can no longer hear their voices or feel the sting of the needle.

All I can see is brightness.
And then I'm unconscious.

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