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"Good afternoon and welcome to the Parent-Teacher Conference meeting," the teacher politely greeted each one of them as the rest settle down in their respective seats.

Right in the third row, sat Min Tae Gu and Ha Chae Yoon, with him in a casual white button down shirt and her in a black shirt. It's a cloudy afternoon and they cleared their day for this meeting.

With Hyun Ju into fifth grade, Chae Yoon knew very well now how her husband plays his very ridiculous game. She had enough of it for three years.

It started as something funny and was just supposed to be a one time thing. It was dumb. They placed a bet on something and she lost and now it's an annual punishment he joyfully bestows upon her.

"To start the meeting, we will elect our parent officers for this year," the teacher proceeded to make a list of the positions on the board.

"Alright, we have the position for the President open."

A masculine hand enthusiastically raised his hand.

No.. not again.

"Yes, Mr. Min?"



"Tae Gu..." Chae Yoon hissed, tugged on his sleeve, and bit the insides of her cheek, hard. She didn't know if he was torturing her, punishing her for not letting him see that championship show last week, or just simply being an ass because that's his definition of fun and therapy.

"Tae Gu.. don't you dare..."

"I would like to nominate Ha Chae Yoon." He proudly announced.

Oh dear god.

The inspector was a fragile minute away from throwing it all with one big 'fuck it' and just grip her husband's neck right there, choking him for all he's worth.

Grinning, Min Tae Gu encouraged everyone to give an applause—the rest following his gentle command shortly.

"Okay, we've got one nominee. Anyone else?"

A good ten seconds passed by and no one raised a hand. Min Tae Gu keenly observed the people in the room and when everyone was surely quiet, he raised his hand again.

"Yes again, Mr. Min?"

Her jerked a bit when his wife sharply pinched his thigh but that didn't stop him.

"Seems like no one else is up. I moved to close the nomination."


They found Hyun Ju at the school part by the time they were finished.

Tae Gu ran to her. "Hyun Ju! Guess what?"

The ten year old reciprocated the excitement back and hopped in his arms. His dad looked triumphant.

"Mom became the President?" She asked beamingly, not seeing how Chae Yoon subtly pouted.


Hyun Ju squealed and Tae Gu laughed with victory, the two blatantly ignoring Chae Yoon as she sulks behind them, too immersed in their selfish happiness apparently.

Having her mom elected every year had their daughter guessing it correctly. Last last year, she was the Auditor. Last year, Vice President.

"Do you know what that means?" Her dad asked, already knowing the answer.

They both excitedly turned to meet Chae Yoon. He couldn't help but burst out laughing upon seeing the look on her face.

"Celebrate!" They cheered in unison, with him ridiculously doubling in laughing as he stares at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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