Chapter 1

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Marcy's pads thudded against the concrete as she chased the two figures in front of her. Anne's orangeish red bandana waved as the trio pelted across the cool pavement; their yowls of excitement drowned out by the rapidly darkening sky. Sasha skid to a halt causing both Anne and Marcy to crash into her. They all quickly regained their balance and Sasha's gaze wandered.

"Guys, I think we should head home," Sasha suggested. Her gaze fixed on the rising moon.

Marcy tensed up at this. She's seen the signs and was dreading what it meant. Her suspicions were confirmed when boxes began to crowd her space. She understood exactly what it meant, and feared the day she'd have to tell her beloved friends about her soon departure.

"Marbles?" Anne asked snapping Marcy out of her trance-like state.

"Huh? Oh sorry Anne, What'd you say?"

"I asked if you were coming." She let out a mrrow of laughter as Marcy realized Sasha was already a few tail-lengths away from the duo. Marcy nodded and together they tried to catch up with Sasha. They finally managed to when she paused in front of her house.

"Took you two long enough," Sasha meowed but didnt seem bothered.

"Sorry Sash" Anne muttered and Marcy dipped her head slightly.

Sasha let out a cheerful purr before touching both Anne and Marcy's noses with her own. She quickly turned away and scampered off. "Goodnight girlfriends!"

Anne and Marcy stood dumbfounded where Sasha left them. They slowly regained themselves and silently padded over to Anne's house. Marcy tried to calm her racing heart. There's no way she could like THE Sasha let alone have the feelings reciprocated. Next thing the two knew they were standing outside Anne's house.

"Looks like this is where we go our separate ways" Anne's voice suddenly broke the silence.

"Mhm" They fell into awkward silence before Marcy touched her nose to Anne's and scurried off.

Anne froze in shock before touching her nose with her paw. Marcy watched from the bushes as Anne padded inside and waited till she was sure Anne wasnt gonna return to head to her own house.

Marcy entered through the cat door and was immediately met by the family dog. She tried to avoid its slobbery tongue and raised her paw to bap it on the muzzle. She struck the dog with her claws sheathed. The dog let out a yelp of shock before taking the hint and walking away. Marcy glared at it before climbing up her cat tower and beginning to groom the dog slobber out of her pelt. Her grooming was interrupted by the sound of frustrated talking. The noise was beginning to rise in volume and soon her two 'parents' were in the living room yelling at each other. This was a rare occurrence but it was becoming more and more often due to the stress of the move. Marcy looked around and saw the pup she knew as Lola cowering in the miniature dog house located in the living room. Lola didnt like the sound of the fighting. Marcy rolled her eyes before hopping off the cat tower and walking over to the pup. She laid down next to the shaking pup and began purring. She learned after the first few fights that the sound of the purr calmed the pup. Lola slowly began to stop shivering and fell into a light sleep. Marcy gazed at her 'parents' through lidded eyes. This fight seemed more heated than normal. She agreed to herself that if the debate got any worse she'd get Lola out of the house and hide out in the bushes near Anne's house. She was sure Anne wouldnt mind is she knew what had happened. She just hoped Anne wouldnt be upset about what had happened earlier.

The arguing got even louder to the point Marcy was worried it'd get physical. She quickly nudged Lola awake and signaled for her to follow. Lola did and soon they ran into an issue. Getting out. Marcy looked at Lola then at the cat door. She quickly realized Lola wouldnt be able to fit through the cat door. She quickly leaped onto the table next to the door and pulled the door handle down, she prayed that it wasnt locked and luckily for her it wasnt. The door swung open and Marcy lept out with Lola on her tail. The duo ran towards Anne's house but Marcy got a bit lost from not being used to it being night. The two ended up in a suspicious alleyway. Marcy looked around and froze when she heard voices. She flattened herself and signaled for Lola to do the same. Luckily for Marcy, Lola listened and soon the two were creeping towards the noise.

"Y'know I heard from Tommy that there's this red monster with a hooked silver rope that'll take you to a foreign land" One of the figures meowed and Marcy recognized it as Vince, one of the well known cats of the neighborhood.

"Pfft, and rats fly, there's no way you'd believe Tommy out of anyone." The other figure scoffed. Marcy realized it was Maggie, another well known cat due to her bullying. And Tommy, a cat known for his outrageous ideas and claims. He's never really believed but for some reason Marcy felt this was fact.

"What is your problem, Maggie?! Tommy's done nothing to you yet you seem to hate him. Continue to insult my friend and this friendship is over" Vince threatened while death staring Maggie. Maggie let out a hiss of annoyance and tried horrible to hide the fact that she was intimidated by Vince.

Marcy began muttering to herself about the possible locations of Tommy when she was brought back to reality by a cold wet nose touching her tail. She shivered slightly before remembering Lola. She turned to look at the pup and Lola's tail began to wag. Marcy looked back and realized Maggie and Vince had left. She signaled with her tail for Lola to follow her as they padded out of the alleyway.

To her relief, Marcy recognized Sasha's house immediately, meaning she was close to Anne's. Marcy trotted over to the bushes around Anne's house and Lola followed. Marcy signaled for Lola to stay before going to find some soft material to make them beds. She came back with moss, a few feathers, and a few clumps of particularly soft grass. She quickly made one big nest and signaled for Lola to lay down in it. Lola obliges and Marcy does her best to squeeze in next to Lola. As Marcy drifted off into sleep she made a mental note to find Tommy and get more information.

To be continued

A Foreign Land [Cat-ified Amphibia au]Where stories live. Discover now