Chapter 2

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Marcy awoke and was startled to find she wasnt in her bed. She looked around before slowly remembering what had happened the day before. She got out of the makeshift bed, being careful not to disturb Lola, before stretching. Lola awoke fairly quickly and soon the duo was making their way back to the Wu family house.

They arrived and Marcy went inside. She opened the door that was still unlocked and Lola happily walked in. Marcy then went outside, shut the door, and reentered. The first thing Marcy noticed was the stale food in her bowl. She let out a huff of annoyance before going to the Living room. Her 'dad' was asleep on the couch. The fights always end with either one or the other on the couch. Last time her 'mom' slept on the couch. Looks like its his turn. She scoffed and padded into her 'parents' room. Her 'mom' could be seen silently weeping on the bed. Marcy's heart squirmed with worms of sympathy. She lept up onto the bed and meowed. Her 'mom' spoke softly and showered her in affection. She purred and rubbed up against her, trying to soothe the crying woman. She settled in her 'Mom's lap and estimated how long it'd take to find Tommy, get the info, meet up with the girls, and convince them to come on the adventure before the day was over and the monster leaves. Her thoughts were interrupt by her 'mom' picking her up so she could leave. Marcy huffed in annoyance, doesnt she know she cant break the unestablished law of not moving a comfortable cat? Well atleast she could get started now. She got up and left through the cat flap. She pelted towards the cat park (which is really just a pile of old cat towers, beds, toys, boxes, etc.) and as expected, found Tommy.

"Hey Tommy!" She meowed getting his attention.

"Oh hey Marcy, ya need somethin?" He said in his thick country accent.

"Uh yeah, I heard you know about a monster with a silver hooked rope that'll take you to a foreign land" She asked unsure.

"Ah yes, what do ya need with it?"

"Okay! Uh, where is it? When does it arrive? When does it leave? How many passengers can it hold? When does it come back?"

"Woah, woah. Thats a lot, erm, It passes by the twoleg park at moonhigh and Im not sure how many it'll hold, probably more than 5 cats. And Im fairly certain it comes back every 2 moons at moonhigh."

"Kay thanks Tommy!" She scampered off to Sasha's house.

When she arrived Sasha was lounging in one of the trees. Marcy gazed up at her wondering if she'd be able to climb up or if she'd fall. She didnt realize she was staring until Sasha jumped down and Marcy's gaze followed.

"Yo Marce, you gonna tell me if you need something or are you just gonna keep staring?" Sash asked not actually minding the stare.

"Oh- right uhm, I have an Idea for an adventure we can go on!"

"Hm...and what is this adventure?"

"Well I saw this monster that only shows up occasionally and I wanna find out where it goes!"

"Hm...I suppose that does sound interesting, are we gonna get Anne involved?"

"Yeah! Then we can all go together!" She chirped excitedly and she couldnt believe it might work.

The two worked their way towards Anne's house and Marcy's anxiety began to grow. Her mind was flooded with what ifs and it seemed Sasha noticed.

"A pebble for your thoughts?" She asked. Pebbles were used to purchase things. They might be everywhere but there is a specific type used. The ones Marcy read were called Igneous rocks. They were fairly rare and they were worth quite a bit.

"Uh, Im just overthinking things. Like what if Anne doesnt wanna join us? I really want use to go together." Marcy replied. Her mind had quite a bit more thoughts but that was one of the main ones.

"Oh dont you worry Marbles, she'll be coming with us! She wont be able to say no to us!" Sasha's words were reassuring and did soothe most of Marcy's anxiety.

"Okay!" Marcy replied and before they knew it they were at Anne's house. Sasha jumped up onto the windowsill and pawed at the window. The trio had created a specific pattern to be able to tell who it is. Anne came out of the door not long after. She yawned and stretched. Marcy observed that she must've just woken up.

"What are you girls doing up so early...?" Anne asked, her voice deep from just waking up.

"Oh, we have an idea for an adventure and we want you to come too!" Sasha cheered.

"Sure, it'll be fun," Anne replied. "So where exactly are we going?"

"The twoleg park a bit before moonhigh!" Marcy squeaked. She felt like she'd explode from excitement if she wasnt careful.

"That late?" Anne asked.

"Yeah! It'll be great!"

"Okay, well I have some stuff I gotta do so Ima go now, byeee" Anne meowed before touching both Marcy and Sasha's noses. This has becane more and more normal and Marcy didnt mind it. Looked like Sasha didnt either as she was just staring at the house calmly.

"Well, see you before moonhigh?" Marcy asked and Sasha nodded in return.

The two went their separate ways. Marcy entered through the cat flap and was concerned when Lola didnt come running up to her. She called out for her beloved sibling but was met with nothing. She padded up to Lola's dog house and sniffed the bed. The scent was stale, it had to have been abandoned since sunhigh. This worried Marcy as Lola never leaves her bed for that long. She quickly rushed around the house making sure to check every nook and cranny. Marcy stopped when something caught her eye. The back door was cracked, not enough to be easily noticed but as Marcy scanned the door the noticed claw marks above the doorknob. Claw marks that couldnt have been made by her. This made her fur stand on end as now not only was Lola missing but she also had to find the young pup before moonhigh.

Marcy hissed under her breath and practically flung herself out the door. Her mind was only on if Lola was ok and the dangers she could be in. Marcy had no regard for her own safety. She soon found herself in the woods. A forbidden part of the neighborhood that a cat like Marcy could easily get lost in. Marcy, instead of retracing her steps and leaving like a smart cat, continued her search for Lola. Soon she came across a tuft of fur and a small puddle of blood. She sniffed the fur and froze. It smelled like Lola. Now Marcy knew she was on the right path.

Marcy searched for hours with no avail. Lola was still lost and Marcy was more worried than a squirrel who lost the nuts they buried. Marcy eventually gave up as the moon rose. She prayed that she'd be able to get out of the godforsaken woods before moonhigh to meet the girls.

She padded through the thickets being careful not to hurt herself. She finally recognized the cat park and bolted to the twoleg park. With a sigh of relief she arrived and to see that it was almost moonhigh and that she was the first one there. She sat down and began to wait. Anxiety once again began to take over. She pondered the 'what ifs' until a pelt brushed her own. She glanced over and saw Anne and Sasha standing there.

"Ah! You're here! I was a bit worried you ditched me!" Marcy chuckled

"Never, Mars. Anyways what now?" Sasha asked.

"We wait." Marcy answered and the trio sat in comfortable silence before the soft roar of a monster began to grow louder. Next thing they knew there was a red monster with a silver hooked rope on it. Marcy's eyes lit up at the sight.
'So it wasnt just a false tale!' Marcy thought.

"Cmon guys!" She beckoned them to follow her as she pelted towards the monster. The other two hesatated before following her. Marcy lept up and the duo followed. Together they all settled down and the monster started again. They began to move and both Anne and Sasha looked panicked while Marcy was calm.

"So where exactly are we going?" Anne asked.


To be continued...

A Foreign Land [Cat-ified Amphibia au]Where stories live. Discover now