The mistake.

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hello guys I am so excited to be writing, this is going to be about episode three blue bloods. I am taking requests and stuff y'all would like to see, I am really happy that's said
I hope y'all enjoy! -; ̥ ୨୧

We all sit in office while we all do our own thing while I'm trying to figure out something on my phone when reagan comes in
reagan"sorry I'm late I've dealt with a nuclear standoffs less stressful then my parents divorces.."
Her eyes were heavy and purple she looked like she didn't get no sleep.
Everyone gasps,

Gigi glanced up at Reagan "ooh girl your eyes are sunken.
You look like if Steve Buscemi made it with Steve Buscemi. You okay?"
Reagan smiles guys "I'm honestly fine.
I've been channeling my stress into this scream bag."
Reagan pulls out a bag
"and into my latest invention behold the productivitron."
Some arm with large hands appears from her back
"Reagan what do you need this for exactly!?." I look up at her confused and honestly concerned

Reagan smiles bigger
"I'm glad you asked y/n I'm still working out the kinks but it's a set of bio-cranial robot arms that will increase my productivity 600%!,
Now I can simultaneously finish paperwork and ignore my dad's texts and, you know strangle anyone who crosses me, I guess..." She smiles and laughs awkwardly
Myc sighs "very day you edge closer to becoming a super villain."
the robot arms stick up the middle finger the alarm goes off
Brett looks around panicked "oh god what was that?"
glenn sits up's "is it nuclear disaster?"
Gigi looks back at them and she screams "NO, it's even worse! It's a PR disaster!"
the alarms flash and jr steps into the room an turns off the alarm

Jr looks at us annoyed "I'm not gonna sugarcoat it.this is a 13 alarm crap fire. I accidentally hit "reply all" to a company wide email where I made a un_PC joke about reptoids"
Brett looks at jr for a second then speaks "question? What is reptoids?"

jr turns to look at brett "oh, just your classic Shapeshifting lizard people that live secret amongst humanity "
he plays a screen showing what lizard people were
Gigi nods "mhmm we're talking politicians celebrities"
brett gasps Madonna's a iguana?"
Jr sighs "retweets provide a lot of our companies funding and an exchange we prevent the world from doing anything about global warming to keep them at their preferredu body heat"
Brett smiles "the system works!"

jr looks at me in my eyes "if we want to keep this year's funding we need a kiss ass at their annual reptiod gala to get them to sign this contract it's being held at their stronghold at vale."
brett smiles softly "ahhh remember my days at vale. I was the most popular guy in my frat. They hazed me every year."
Andre looks at Brett confused "sounds like they hated you.?"

brett smile's wider "HAHA nice hazed burn Andre you must really like me
reagan looks up at jr "do I have to go follow up question do I have to wear a dress? Follow up to the follow up does it have to be a stain free dress"
jr looks at Reagan up and down "no you can't recycle your Space jam prom dress yet again Reagan this is serious"

reagan looks at him disappointed "What this dress is awesome and if you don't agree you're a Mon-"
Jr stops regan before she can say her full sentence "Monster yeah yeah
NORMAL DRESS! And for the love of God calm your hair it's a sign of respect.."
"ohh i have something i have to do cant make it.."
they all look at me suprised
"what do u mean" jr looks at me with a honestly scary look

"i cannot go? we have been studying this for a while but I'm sure y'all could do it with out me.."
Jr looks at me suprised almost like he's seen a ghost
"you're just like your mother.."
My cheeky look fades "what did you just say?!"
Reagan looks at him surprised"wait..
(M/n)? "

(Y/n pov)
Shit shit shit how the fuck do they know my mom well I guess they know every fucking thing about me but it doesn't matter I need to get the fuck out of here
"I need to go.."
I grab my stuff and try to run as fast as I can when something hits me in the back of my head

(Brett pov)
"Y/n!?.... Was that really necessary!? Jr?" I look at jr and he smiles and he looks up at me "of course it was, y/n can't leave she knows to much..."
Reagan looks down at me"why can't you just erase her memories?.."
Jr smiles big "you don't think I've tried that Reagan!? She's just like her mother, it doesn't work... how stupid do you think I am?"
I look up at jr confused "what do you mean it doesn't work is something wrong with her is she okay!?"
Jr looks up at me unfazed "something in y/ns mind blocks off the laser that is supposed to go in y/ns head..."
Reagan looks up at jr "what about m/n wasn't she the greatest here I heard that we once were better then the illuminati."

Jr smug look fades "well that was a long time ago enough questions..!?"

(Three months later y/ns pov)
I rub my eyes and look around I seem to be in a hospital but I yawn and get up it was just some damn estimation fuck my head hurts so badly...
"Hello?! I'm up get me the fuck out of here!?.."
i bang on the door louder yet it still doesn't open for three damn hours..
i hear the door open and I smile wider then I ever had
Reagan looks at me surprised and she drops some crushed food it looks like she's been feeding me with a feeding tube.

(Reagan's pov)
"GUYS Y/N IS UP!?" Everyone rushes over to the room and they all look surprised as I did they all smile and ask her questions.. but Brett just stood there like he was to in shock to figure out what the hell was going on.

(Y/n pov)
Everyone is actually treating me with love holy shit!? "Haha yeah I'm fine guys what did I miss?! I can tell I was passed out for like huh two weeks or-"
Reagan looks at me sadly "or three months..."
What... three fucking months I was in a coma cause of that asswhole jr...
"WERE THE FUCK IS JR" I scream and everyone smiles except Reagan and Brett
Gigi hugs me "that son of a bitch is GONE!?"
"Wait what.. then who is.."
Reagan sighs "my dad.." wait what randy was taking over holy shit I just missed three months of my life wasted
"So uh you didn't get that premonition Reagan..." she looks at me sadly and she shakes her head no "that mother fucker took my premonition he took my fucking placement and now he's running things like a asswhole!?"
I look at her and hug her tightly she hugs me back and laughs "well you finally got the hug thing down"
Reagan smiles at me, I look back up at brett is seems like he's avoiding eye contact with me or avoiding me in general "hey uh brett long time no see"

Brett looks up at me "you've been gone for a while y/n.. it's been lonely without you..." he says looking somewhat sadly
"Yeah right I'm sure you guys had fun without me besides I'm here now!"
He nods and looks away "uh yeah.."
damn this is really fucking awkward..
Reagan grabs my hand and she drags me back to the office all my old stuff was still there yet it looks like Reagan made it more cleaner and she even did some of my work while I was gone "uh Reagan.. thanks." Reagan looks up at me surprised "for what exactly?" She says softly "for making sure my stuff isn't destroyed.." she smiles and nods like she's saying your welcome I grab my bag and phone and text my mom quickly what the hell how did I not know she my own birth mother had worked here before and she was here so long was it because of me? I've always remembered her being there why I'm I finding this out just now?!  I sent the text asking her how long she knew about this and I was left on read she never really talked to me after I chosen the café instead of being a lawyer or something, yet I didn't feel bad I never needed my mom for money nor stuff that I just wanted I wanted to work hard and I felt like my intelligence was just given to me.. it felt unfair
Reagan holds the my shoulder "hey y/n you okay?" I nod and hesitate "I just asked my mom about this place she's seen the text but never really responded, maybe I shouldn't vent cause I know you probably could care less-" Reagan cuts me off "y/n are you kidding me your like amazing and your as smart as me and I am really surprised you chosen to work in a café" I laugh softly "actually me to what was I thinking" Reagan smiles and she grabs a file "I know you want to know everything about your mother so... here this is everything you need to know about her" I look up at Reagan and I take the file quickly reading it, it was everything everything I needed to know about my mother barely talked and this file knows more then I do.. what else is she hiding...

Chapter 5: sorry this took so long I know it isn't the most and trust me there will be a lot more but I'm going through some things at school thank you for your patience The next chapter will be released at the end of the month if not I will update you.

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