#7 , dry flower

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@a-date?? ꒰7꒱

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@a-date?? ꒰7꒱

you neatly adjusted your clothing as you waited in front of the specific bookstore, keeping an eye on the people walking by as you sought to catch a glimpse of the boy with the grey hair.

as you waited for cyno, you questioned why you had even come early and started belittling yourself. you were anticipating his arrival in a few minutes when suddenly a figure appeared in front of you.

"you're here early." a recognizable voice called out making you shoot your head up and your eyes met with red-orange ones. blinking two times as you immediately lifted your phone up and check the time, 14:30.

he arrived 20 minutes early just like you did, and when you turned to face him and smiled briefly, you said, "you're here early too."

in order to conceal the fact that he was so eager to meet with you that he arrived earlier than expected, cyno simply shook his head and said, "i didn't want to arrive late."

you asked, arching an eyebrow at him to get an open response, "you sure?" he changed the subject as the two of you approached the door: "yes, and i bought brownies. we could read on the second floor where we could eat."

instead of you opening the door, the boy with the grey head did it for you. you thanked him with a smile and inquired, "sure, why not? but is this like a date?"

this caused the male to pause and stare at you in shock. he responded, "i think so?" uncertain because he had assumed that this was just a typical friendly hangout.

you laughed when you saw how his expression changed as a result of your remarks and said, "i'm just kidding, this is just a hangout." nevertheless, cyno didn't say anything because he was still considering what was said and whether it was indeed the case.

once the two of you had reached the second floor of the bookstore, where there were tables and chairs scattered about as well as couches, he heaved a sigh and shrugged those thoughts off.

the h/c-headed girl jogged over to the couches and flopped on them. she motioned for the male to take a seat next to her with a smile on her face and a pat on the seat; he complied reluctantly.

while you were opening your bag and taking out the three volumes of tokyo revengers, he set the paper bag with the brownies on the table.

when the manga books were put on the table, cyno saw them and read, "tokyo revengers." he turned to face you and asked, "really?" but you were only grinning sheepishly.

you looked at him as if encouraging him to take it and read it, "why yes?" which caused cyno to pause for a small period of time before responding, "fine."


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