~The Tale Of Menma Uchiha-Uzumaki~

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Itachi's POV
A few moths went by and Menma finally got to move back to the house our father gave to Sasuke and Naruto. I was so happy that Kakashi, Obito, Izumi, Rin and I threw them a 'welcome home party'. Minato also had a big part to play since he was the one who decided on the party and kept them at the hospital while we set up.

"I'm so glad Minato-Sensei decided to help us with this" Obito said. 

"It was honestly all Itachi's idea" Kakashi replied.

"No. The party was Minato-Sensei's idea, not mine" I replied to Kakashi.

"Wait so Kakashi what's your nickname? Rin and I never heard it" Obito said.

Come to think of it, I've never heard it eaither and neither has Izumi.

"My nickname is Kakashi Hatake-Copycat ninja of the hidden leaf" Kakashi replied to us while hanging streamers.

Rin was blowing up balloons and said "That's a bit of a mouth full... Just why not 'The Copycat ninja' short and simple" 

Everyone knew how much Rin loved to keep things simple and that it was easy for her to remember. However what had us confused is why she isn't picking a name out ahead of time both male and female for her baby. 

"Rin why aren't you picking a name for your baby?" I asked.

"Oh I did already. If its a girl I'd like Minato-Sensei's permission to name her 'Kushina' after his wife and if it's a boy I'd like Naruto's permission t name him after master 'Jiraya'" Rin said.

Obito and Kakashi where in the corner talking about something else, which I didn't care till I noticed Minato walking with Naruto and Sasuke to the house.

All of us got in our spots ready to welcome home Menma Uchiha-Uzumaki. However that turned bad after we witnessed Minato and Naruto fighting to keep people away from Sasuke.

"We have to help them!" I yelled and everyone else agreed with me.

The second we rushed out there we noticed that it was the dead attacking them. From the dead Uchiha's who died in the fire to Kakashi's father who died years ago when he was still young, but no one was ready to see how angry Kushina was.

The second we saw the dead Kushina she was actually happy and hugged both Naruto and Minato. Which not gonna lie was pretty strange, but at the same time pretty wholesome since Naruto hardly knew anything about his parents.

Kushina's POV
The second I saw my husband and Naruto all over again I hugged them tightly crying and hoping that this could last. However I knew that wasn't going to happen.

"Minato please listen very carefully. Someone is coming after Naruto, Sasuke and Menma you need to get them out of here and far from the village" I whispered.

I watched as Minato froze, but then he whispered "Kushina our son has grown into a fine man, he can handle himself please believe me. I'll keep a close eye on him though"

Just like that I watched as the dead Uchiha's finally went back to the ground, but why didn't I? I was confused, but now transparent and wasn't seen by Minato anymore. I watched as they went into a house and there was a party.

"WELCOME HOME!" Everyone shouted.

"Thanks, but please keep it down. Menma and Sasuke are tired" Naruto said.

I was surprised both Minato and I never had the chance to be real parents to Naruto, but he figured out being a parent all on his own. Wait... He had good teachers like Iruka, Kakashi and even Jiraya. Who knows maybe even the nine tails is helping him be a good parent?

I sat there in spirit watching as my husband and son had a grand old time with everyone. I can clearly see Itachi and Rin, Obito and Kakashi. Finally I saw Minato and Naruto. They where all in the living room while Sauske and Menma where sleeping.

I was actually shocked that Naruto liked guys, but I supported my son no matter who he chose to love, but that pink haired girl, Sakura... I'm just glad he didn't end up with her. I mean I feel bad for saying that, but she's a monster.

However something was bothering me about the way Sasuke and Menma where asleep in broad daylight... Just kidding I was asleep with Naruto moments after having him as well. 

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