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"So?" Wayne said with a raised eyebrow. 

"What?" Fluke knew what he was about to say, but chose to act innocent.

"Don't what - what me, Baby. Spill it. What happened?"

Wayne pulled Fluke inside the café's office as soon as Fluke got off from Ohm's car. He didn't even listen to Ohm's yelling when the latter realized what he was doing to his fiancé. 

Ohm ended up knocking on the door because Wayne locked it. Good thing the door was made of glass, so Fluke gestured that he was okay and they just needed to talk. But that didn't make Ohm go or leave. He just stayed outside the door glaring at Wayne. 

"Tell me now before that guy breaks the door. Look at how he glares at me." He chuckled.

"Nuh. . . He won't do anything to you. I can control him." Fluke smiled and look at Ohm outside. He waved at the man and showed him a finger heart, which made Ohm smile widely.

"Whoa! He's crazy in love with you." Wayne commented as soon as he saw the effect on Ohm at what Fluke did. "Why did you even think it was just one-sided love on your end? That man looked really much in love with you."

"I thought I was the only one who was in love then. I told you about that before, right?"

"So did you. . ."

"We talked and cleared the misunderstanding." Fluke started and proceeded on telling Wayne what they talked about from the time he left them at home until this morning.

"He didn't really give you a break, huh?" Wayne said in a teasing tone. "He became your boyfriend when that girl called him, then became your fiancé when he panicked when he heard about the wedding and asked you to marry him instead of me. Whew! And all those happened in just a matter of. . . what?" Wayne counted his fingers. "Less than ten hours? Wow!"

Fluke couldn't hide his smile. He, too, was amazed at what happened to them, but he wouldn't want it differently. He loved Ohm, and would definitely say yes to him even if he asked him on the day he was drunk. 

"You're happy, Baby?" Fluke nodded in reply. "I'm happy for you, too. Finally! No more crying, okay?" Fluke nodded again. "But if that guy hurts you, don't hesitate to call us, Chun Chih and I would be very glad to hide you from him." They both laughed.

Wayne's phone suddenly rang, and Fluke knew it was Chun Chih. 

"Hi, Honey!" Wayne said as he greeted and waved to his fiancé. "I missed you, my love."

"Where is he? Is my baby there?" The man on the other line did not even greet Wayne.

"No greeting? No, I missed you, too?" Wayne pouted and acted like he was hurt. Fluke laughed at his friend. 

"Honey, I just talked to you an hour ago!" Chun Chih said.

"But I missed you." Wayne continued pouting. 

Chun Chih smiled at his fiancé and said, "I missed you, Honey. Go home soon, so I could hug you really tight." Wayne then gave him his biggest smile after that. "So. . . Where's my baby Fluke? I want to talk to him."

Wayne gave his phone to Fluke. 

"Hi!" Fluke greeted him as soon as he saw his friend.

"Don't hi me, Baby Boy. Tell me the story now." He demanded.

Fluke let out a deep sigh. It was going to be long storytelling once again. Compare to Wayne, Chun Chih was the one who always demanded details. 

Wayne signaled that he would just go out to give the two some time to talk.

As soon as he opened the door, Ohm tried to pass by him to go to Fluke but Wayne pulled his arm. "Let's talk."

Ohm looked at Fluke who was busy talking on the phone before he let himself be dragged by Wayne.

"You proposed," Wayne stated as soon as they settled themselves at a secluded table outside the café.

"Yes. . . And he accepted." Ohm proudly said.

"If I heard that you hurt him, I wouldn't hesitate to take him away and hide him from you."

"That would never happen," Ohm said firmly. "I have no plans of letting him go. . ."

"Too early to tell, don't you think?" With a raised eyebrow, Wayne asked.

Ohm just shook his head. "Nope. I'm sure about it." He said. "Dude, I know you are worried about him, but I promise to take care of him. I will never break his heart."

"You better! I don't want to see him crying again." Wayne let out an exasperated sigh.

Ohm sighed as he remembered Fluke's story when he was away, the times he cried a lot. Ohm was also glad that he met Wayne and Chun Chih. "Wayne. . ." He waited for the man to look at him before he continued. "Thank you for taking care of him. I am very glad Fluke met you and Chun Chih when he needed someone to lean on when he was having some difficulties. I cannot thank you enough for everything you've done for him. I wish I'd told him earlier about my feelings. If I did, I wouldn't break his heart. I should be the one to protect him, but I. . ."

"Ohm. . . Dude, nothing happens without a reason. Fluke's decision of leaving you and all that happened after was meant to happen. The separation made you both strong. You became strong and made a goal to finish everything here, so you could follow and be with him. You became stronger to fight your sadness of losing Fluke. Fluke was strong enough to leave you because he thought he was giving you your happiness. He even became stronger when he wasn't with you. He learned to love himself and focus on what he wanted to do. Both of you learned while you were not together. Do you think you would experience all those things if he continued to stay here? Do you think you would be brave enough to say all the feelings you have in your heart that fast?" Ohm thought for a moment and shook his head and smiled bitterly. "See? If he didn't leave, you wouldn't be able to realize that he was the one for you. . . that you love him more than anyone. . . maybe you wouldn't even have the courage to confess your feelings even until now. . . Your fear of losing him again made you strong enough to tell him that you love him and even proposed to him just after you knew he was back in the country." 

Ohm nodded his head. Wayne was right. He knew he was falling for Fluke even before the latter left. He was not brave enough to confess until things happened. He was devastated at first for losing the person he loved the most, but then maybe his love for him also made him strong to decide on following him once his contract ended. 

"You know what?" Wayne said, "I was actually glad that he left you." An instant frown was shown on Ohm's face. He was about to protest when Wayne continued. "Don't get me wrong, Dude. I did not say that because I don't like you or something. . . if he didn't decide to leave, my fiancé and I wouldn't meet the person whom we would cherish forever. He's a beautiful soul, Ohm. Someone that should be protected and taken care of."

"I know. . . I know. . ." Ohm couldn't agree more. "I will do my best to protect him and make him happy."

"That's all I want to hear, but. . . I will still be on the watch. I will definitely kidnap him if he happens to cry again because of you." Wayne threatened.

Ohm just smiled at him and nodded. Yes, he was jealous of the man in front of him because he was able to do what he couldn't do, which is to comfort and make Fluke happy. But then, he was glad that Fluke gained good friends with Wayne and Chun Chih.


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