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Ohm was very excited to go back, so he hurriedly went inside their room, but was welcomed by an empty and silent room. He also searched for Fluke in the bathroom, but the latter wasn't there. He tried calling Fluke and heard his phone ringing on the coffee table. There he saw the note Fluke left telling him he was with Dad. 

"Dad, where's Fluke?" He asked as soon as his father accepted his call. 

"Hello to you, my son," Dad said merrily.

"Where is he, Dad? Where is my husband?" He asked impatiently.

"Excuse me, Sir. May I just remind you that you are not husbands yet. You still have a few more hours before you can call him that." Dad said and chuckled.

"Dad!" He was irritated now. He wanted to know where Fluke was, so he could go and see him.

"Okay. . . Okay. . . He's with me. . . and he can hear you right now."

"Love! Hey, Love!" Ohm immediately said. "Come back now, please. I miss you."

Fluke giggled, "We haven't been apart for an hour, Love."

"But I want to see you now."

"You will have to wait for another hour or two, Son. I'll return your beloved fiancé in one piece. Don't worry."

"But, Dad. . ." He was about to complain again, but Fluke stopped him.

"Love. . .  Dad just wants to spend time with me. I'll be back before you know it. Take a rest for a while. Do you want anything. . .  do you want food or drinks? I can buy you before we go back."

"No. . . Just you. I want you here." He said seriously. He heard his dad laugh but he didn't care. He just wanted to have Fluke in his arm at that moment.

"I'll be back. I'll see you." Fluke said and heard Ohm sigh. "I love you." He added.

"I love you more."

Ohm sighed deeply after the call to calm himself. The happiness he felt a while ago knowing he would have his love in his arms changed into frustration after hearing his Dad took him away. 

He couldn't do anything about it since Fluke sounded happy and he also wanted him to bond with his Dad. To distract himself, he just packed their things so they would have more time for each other the next day after their wedding ceremony since they decided to leave for their honeymoon the day after tomorrow.

He kept on checking the time, but after an hour, Fluke still didn't come back. He tried calling his Dad again, but the old man didn't answer. 

He laid down on the bed since he didn't have anything to do. He didn't want to check his phone again because he knew he would just frustrate himself if he knew how long it had been since he saw Fluke. 

He didn't realize he fell asleep waiting for Fluke until he felt the latter wrap his arm around his waist and his head snuggled deeper into the corner of his neck.

Ohm turned around and engulfed Fluke in his arms. He pulled him up a little more and positioned him on top of him.

"I missed you." He said and pecked his lips. "Did you enjoy your time with Dad?"

Fluke nodded his head and answered. "I did. Dad is really fun to be with."

"At least you had fun," Ohm said with a pout. 

Fluke held Ohm's face and leaned to kiss the latter's lips. "I'm sorry. I didn't know Dad would take me away for long." He kissed him again. "Have you eaten?"

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