(real) chapter 1-meeting

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Okay so this chapter may be short ig,but this is they're first day of school sooo ye,this is bisacly how they met Ig

Allukas pov:

"Oni-chan! Wake uppp!!! It's your first day of school and you're latee!!"
I say trying to make up my brother,killua.

"W-whatttt" killua says,with a sleepy tone. "Oni-chan! We're going to be late!" I say trying to wake up onii-chan. "Nooo give me 5 more mins,also what time is it..?" Killua says. "Oni-chan it's 8:35 we're supper late!!" I say shaking killua. "What?!" Killua gets up and runs fast to the bathroom to brush his teeth and get ready. "I'll wait in the car oni-chan!" I say walking outside to get in the car.

Killuas pov:

I get ready for school and pack my backpack.ready to go and to the car. I' didn't eat breakfast but I don't really care.i just hope I can make friends this year..and no bullies,also hope to get a new gf or bf. "Oni-chan! I hope we gets lots of friends this year and I to get a gf!" Alluka says smiling. I smile and say"i hope so too alluka,I hope you get a very nice gf".yes,my sister is bi,but she wants to get a gf more than a bf cause her ex was a a$$-hole,so she wants to have a break from making relationships with boys,and try with girls more. "Welp,let's just wait for mom and dad to get in the car,how about we play some music?" I say "yes! I love your music oni-chan!" Alluka says and I smile,I really do love my sister. 'Careless whiper' is playing as me and alluka sing together. Our fav part comes as we sing together, "Tonight the music seems so loud,I wish that we could lose this crowd.maybe,it's better this way,we hurt each other with the words we wana say.we could of been so good together,we could of lived this dance forever.but now,who's gonna dance with me? Please stay" we sing together as we laugh,then finally our parents enter the car and starts driving. "You dont nee-" my brother illumi starts as i interrup him by saying "shut the fuck up i can have as many friends as i want" then he stays silent. "Ready for school?" Say ur dad, "yes" all of us say then dad starts driving.

Gons pov:

"Gon." I hear
"Gon!" I hear again
"GON!!" I hear loudly and wake up.
"W-What!! Oni-san??" I say as I check the time
"Why are you waking me up at 6:37?!  And why do you have ur uniform on?"
"Gon it's ur first dqy of school,now wake ur lazy ass up and get ready or aunt mito won't give us breakfast!!"my sister gomy(I call her 'oni-san') says
"Okay,on it oni-san,but please leave so I can change." I say smiling and a little sweat (like this emoji: 😅)
"Okay just know that I'm alredy ready" my sister says walking to the door
"Wait what time did you wake up?!"
I say shocked
"4:11 am,but that doesn't matter!! Get ready or i won't buy you a slushy like I promised!" My sis says reminding me of yesterday's deal. "Okay okay but leave please!" I say shocked as she leaves the room closing the medroom door.i get ready and eat breakfast."finally! Okay get in the car." She says in a rush. "Okay oni-san" I say as I get out of the house and sit inside the car. Aunt mito gets in the car "ready for school,kids?" Aunt mito says "yeah we are Aunt mito" gomy says, "yeah! Just a bit nervous..-" I say "oh come on lil bro,it'll be alright! I'll protect you if someone bullys you or something!" My sister says smiling. "Really? You will?.." I say calming down a bit. "Totally!" She says hugging me as a I hug back smiling . I see Aunt mito watching us and says "what a cute sibling relationship you guys have! Well, let's get going,shall we?" Aunt mito says, "yes!" We both say excited

"Fresh😍lemonade😋freshly😚squeezed😳pour😏it😶in🥵a😪cup😫can't😡get🤪enough☠" I say joking with oni-san.

"Fresh😋lemonade🍋freshly😚squeezed😳pour😏it😶in🥵a😪cup😫can't😡get🤪enough☠" oni-san says back,we both laugh.

"hambuger😤cheeseburger😮‍💨big🤯mac👹whopper😼" I say as all of us + aunt mito laugh. "Welp where here kids! Have a nice day At school!"
"Bye aunt mito! Love u!!" Me and oni-san say at the same time. "Love you too kids! Bye!" As we get out of the car and enter the school, "damn this shitty building is huge and pretty" my Der sister says."I know right! Let's enter already" I say excited. "Yeah,good idea..let's go!" She says smiling as I follow her in.

Allukas pov:

We finally arrived "onii-chan! Wheyre here!!" I say excited, "yeah,ik alluka" onii-san says as he continues singing his song 'high enough' .when the song ends we get out the car and say bye to our parents then enter the big shinny pretty building. "Onii-chan this is beautiful!" ,"It is " he says as we atare at the place not looking we're we're going,then we fell as we bump into a girl and a boy,which look like sibblings.i feel something rad and hot on my cheeks as I look at the girl indeeneath me, " I'm so so sorry! I wasn't looking we're I was going!!" I say, "nono,it's okay,I wasn't looking either" she responds back.

Killuas pov:

I wasn't looking till I fell,I see a beautiful green-ish eyes,hair down,perfect face, & hair green boy,I blush as I hear him sag "I'm so sorry! " he backs up, "I wasn't paying attention!!" He says as I see his sister standing infront of him saying: "if you're gonna bully him or something then just leave!";, "wait! Don't worry!! Onii-chan isn't a bully or something" alluka says defending me as I see her kinda calming down a bit. "Thanks alluka" I whisper to her. "No problem onii-chan" she whispers back, "fine" the girl says, "I'm gon!,you?" The boy named gon said, "I'm alluka!" My sis says, "I'm..killua" I say nervously,over the past few years my school has been making fun of me for my name,cause it feels s3xual and ..illegal???,..my classmates used to call me 'kill-uaahhh'... the -uahh' is the 'sounding s3xual' part.. and my names kill-uah cause my family used to be a assassinbut stopped.. and my name is still killua cause they didn't want to change it.."such pretty names yall got thoo!" The girl says as I and alluka blush(alluka cause she called her name pretty and I cause no one had been calling my name pretty,not cause I like her). "Thanks!! Whats your name!?" Alluka asks "my names gomy,nice to meet u!" Gomg says "what a pretty name! Nice to meet you too!" Alluka responds back happily and blushing and I smirk "Allukaaa,whyy are you blusshhijnnggg??" I say teasingly as alluka and gomy blush more "o-onii-chan!" Alluka responds, "onii-san? Why is ur cheeks red ? Do you have a fever?!!" Gon,the boy,says worriedcly and innocently; "nono! Gon,ur too innocent,I'll tell you at home or somewhere.." she says ,as I smile of how cute the boy is 'wait..do I like him?? ,I don't even know him much yet!!...idk' I tought as alluka then shakes me "onii-chan!! We gotta go to class!!" Ahe says," right ,sorry,SEE YOU LATERRRR!!" I yall as I hold allukas hands and run to class,both gomy and gon blushing.

Kon'nichiwa yall,sorry if it's short,it's just that I'm supper sleepy and wanted to be done,but I'll uptade another one later ig,anyways, arigatou and sayonara!!!

Deez nuts ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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