5: Gin and Tonic

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Zayn and Harry are cooking in the kitchen together. It was Harry's idea to make vegetable tacos tonight. They've just finished cutting up the vegetables and have placed them on a pan. They'll be going into the oven soon.

"The tortillas will take a moment to prepare and make. So we'll put those in the oven when we start to cook the tortillas." Harry says. "Luckily, I already have all the ingredients portioned. So we can quickly start it."


"What?" Harry asks.

Zayn shrugs. "I just find something very interesting."

"You do?"

"Yes. But not in a bad way. In a good way. You like to cook. You even have the ability to make all kinds of desserts and stuff from scratch. You can make just about anything."


"Yet, you're like this super healthy man. Your school lunches are always healthy and when you tell me what you've had for breakfast, it's always an oatmeal cup or something like that."


"And then there's me. An actual health and wellness teacher who doesn't really care that much. I'm a cake, candy and junk food eater."

Harry smiles and looks Zayn up and down.

"I sure can't tell."

"Well yeah because I have a great metabolism. But I turned thirty yesterday so watch out. I might not be this hot forever."

Harry laughs. "That's funny."

"What? That I won't be hot in ten more years?"

"No. That you think your outer appearance is what's going to matter to me the most at any point."

That's super sweet what Harry just said and it makes Zayn blush.

"Stop it."

"Well what would you like me to say then? I can't lie."

"Oh really? Then let's hear the truth about why you are so health conscious. Not that it's a bad thing. I teach kids to do this almost every day. But how in the world do you have this kind of discipline? Are you a robot? Is that why you can't tell a lie?"


"No seriously. I'm checking for batteries."

Zayn brings his hand around Harry and reaches for his bottom, playfully pretending to look for batteries. But Harry jumps the second he touches him and bumps into the measuring cups he already had prepared. The flour and water cups spill over.

"Oh no." Harry says and he turns around quickly while laughing.

Zayn gasps. "Sorry." He says, feeling slightly embarrassed that he ruined Harry's preparation.

"It's okay. I can quickly replace these two. It's not a big deal."

"I'll help."

Harry is so busy getting a towel to soak up the water that was spilled that he doesn't pay attention at all to what Zayn is doing. Then he hears his voice.

"Uh, Harry."


"Where is your flour?"

He quickly looks up. And when he sees Zayn looking over in his "flour" canister, he quickly rounds the counter and over to him.

"No. Stop. Don't touch that!"

He snatches the top from Zayn's hand and aggressively places it back on the canister.

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