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[A wide and flat, snow covered landscape. A mountain looms on the horizon. A caterpillar truck stops on the windswept mountain plateau. Zemo gets out of the vehicle. Set on rocks is an entrance with huge, rusted double doors. Zemo hacks away at the wall beside the doors. he uncovers a control panel and keys in a code whilst referring to the red book. The huge, curved double doors break open a crack. Zemo pulls them open wider. He shines a flash light and pulls down the hood of his coat.Inside is a vast, gloomy space cramped with shelves stacked with filing boxes. Zemo moves a ladder along and searches the boxes. he climbs up the ladder and removes a filing box labeled: 'декабря 1991' (December 1991).Zemo walks along a tunnel which opens into a cavernous chamber with a high ceiling. He carries a VHS cassette and a flash light. Standing around the chamber a five large, clear sided capsules. They glow a gold yellow inside. Frowning Zemo walks up to one of the capsules and shines his flash light inside. In the capsule, motionless in a state of suspended animation is the enhanced soldier Josef.]

[Tony flies the shopper low over the broiling sea. He operates the chopper with a touch screen computer in a wall panel.]

Guard: [on radio] This is the Raft Prison Control. You're clear for landing, Mr. Stark.

The rest of the members on Team Cap all remember what it was like and stiffened up knowing how awful. 

[The sea swells and surges as Raft Prison rises up from beneath. A huge, fortified, circular structure with small lights around the sides. Two semi-circular doors open up in the flat circular top. The chopper lands on a helipad and the doors close above it. Tony, who's left arm is in a sling walks up to Secretary Ross.]

Tony Stark: So? You got the files? Let's reroute the satellites, start facial scanning for this Zemo guy.

"Oh, it's like Azkaban." People point out.

Secretary Ross: You seriously think I'm gonna listen to you after that fiasco in Leipzig? You're lucky you're not in one of these cells.

[Ross looks at Tony sternly and leads on through a thick, steel security door. Soldiers stand guard in an operations room. Tony looks at a surveillance screen. it shows Wanda and Antonio, sitting hunched and bedraggled in a cramped prison cell.]

"My babies! how dare they chain you up!" James sobs into is hands, Regulus wo's sitting beside him seething in rage puts his arms around James 

Everyone else shudders and has tears in their eyes at how unhuman it was keeping the siblings tied up

[Another security door opens. Tony walks into a chamber surrounded by large, bared windows. Beyond the windows are a number of prison cells. Tony takes in his surroundings.]

Clint Barton: [clapping] The Futurist, gentlemen! The Futurist is here! He sees all! He knows what's best for you, whether your like it or not.

Tony Stark: Give me a break, Barton. I had no idea they'll put you here. Come on.

Clint Barton: [spits] Yeah, well, you knew they'd put us somewhere, Tony.

Tony Stark: Yeah, but not some super-max floating ocean pokey. You know, this place is for maniacs. This is a place for . . .

Clint Barton: Criminals? [He stands up.] Criminals, Tony. Think that's the word you're looking for. [He eyes Tony through the bars.] Right? That didn't used to mean me. Or Sam, or Wanda, or Antonio. But here we are.

Tony Stark: Because you broke the law.

Clint Barton: Yeah.

Tony Stark: I didn't make you.

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