Paranormal Activity 5

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Hi my name is Sara and this is the story of Paranormal Activity 5.

It all stared when I moved into my new house in Florida. When I walked in my room it was fine,but only for the first 2 months after everything got in to place in my room. Then things went missing, broken or even moved place to place. I have even seen them moved or float right in front of me. But there is one thing. I have never seen one with my naked eye (yet).

I haven't told my best friend Sally about this yet because she would think I'm crazy. But if she did believe me, she would be so freaked out and she would never come to my house again. And shes my best friend, so I don't want to lose her. But I need to tell her so she will be aware of the stuff that happens in case they attack us. Or if she sees anything move.

But I know for sure there is paranormal activity going on. Because one day me and my sister (Kate) were on my bed. Because I was reading to her when she suddenly said " mean lady mean lady," staring and pointing at the corner of the room while pulling up the covers towards her face. I didn't see anything but I have heard that young people are to see more paranormal activity and ghosts than older kids like me a 13 year old girl.

But that happened when I was 12 years old because I just turned 13 a month ago. But now I'm just any 13 year old girl with a haunted house that only me and Kate know about. I mean, me and Kate told my parents about everything that happened but they either said "you kids watch to much tv," or they said "stop lying and making up stuff that stuff is not real". They treat us like kids. But I know we are kids but they should at least watch for things so they could find out if its true.

Me and Kate know its true, its just we get in trouble for stuff the ghosts do. The other day my mom set up the diner table it was all ready so she turned around to get the food to put up the plates. But when she turned around all the plates and silver ware were on the floor or messed up on the table. My dad wasn't home so it couldn't be my dad so my mom called me and Kate to the kitchen to ask us who made this mess. And of corse she screamed "WHO MADE THIS MESS," we both answered at the same time "we didn't".

So we replied back to our mom about the paranormal activity happening in are house. She still didn't believe us but we still knew it was true. She put us in time out till we would tell the truth we knew she wouldn't believe us so I said that I did it (even though I didn't). I went back to time out and Kate got out. So my moms saying sorry is to giving us a treat, and she just happened to have some cupcakes so she gave Kate one or two cupcakes. My mom gave her two cupcakes, but Kate was nice so she saved one for me. To eat because she new that I sat in time out for 2 hours so she didn't have to.

But now I'm at school and Im doing a math test its really hard and my teacher keeps saying "your much better than this". But I think I not making straight A's any more because I'm so scared of the paranormal activity going on in my house and keep thinking and thinking about it. I mean, I'm scared of it, but it (or they) has never hurt us (yet). But I have a feeling, that they will hurt us one day. And every day I pray so they wont hurt us at all. Also some's times well every night I set up a camera so we can see if the ghosts come.

So far we usually see a dark shawdow between me and Kate's bed because we share a room but at least we both have our own bed. With a wobbly desk in between our beds and the midnight black shawdow would be like right on top of the desk. I have showed the video to my mom before but she still wont believe us.

Tonight is halloween so we are all going trick or treating with are friends tonight. I'm going to be Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz. My sister Kate is going to be Minnie Mouse. But I'm not usually scared of halloween. But I am afraid that the ghosts will be out tonight. So I'm gonna keep pray more and more.

Now its time to go out and treat or treat with my friends and my sister. And I have finally told my best friend Sally about all of the paranormal activity going on and she though I was lying and trying to scare her but I kept telling her that is the truth. But she left us and said "you might as well delete my number from your contacts because I never want to see you again".

Ok, now I'm at home and I'm about to go to bed and right as I closed my eyes I heard a loud scream. So I checked Kate she was fine but she heard the loud scream too. So me and Kate got the flashlight and my pocket nife then went to check on are mom. When we got down stairs and into my moms room she was floating with red eyes saying "I will haunt you for the rest of my life until you die" over and over again. We both knew she had her whole body taken over by the ghosts. We didn't know what to do........

So we ran to our room grabbed the laptop and hid in our closet. We searched how to get a ghost out of some one body. Nothing popped up. So we thought of ways to get it out of her. Then we heard "you can run but you can hide". So we we very still and turned the laptop off so she wouldn't see the light under the door. Then we put our eyes under the door to see where she is in our room. She was by my bed and when I saw her there was blood dripping from her. But she is most likely not hurt its just the ghost that made her body hurt.

But since the ghost is in her body her spirit should be were all the ghost hang out (I guess). So we need to find out were all the ghost hang out. And I'm trying to find a camera in the closet because I heard that you can see ghost through camera's. YES, I found one. Now lets try to find mom without finding the terrifying demon ghost.

Ok so now we are walking around the house. We have checked everywhere in the house then Kate said "we haven't checked the basement yet," so we were so scared but we went down there anyways, tip-toeing down the squeaky old wood stairs. Then me and Kate searched around trying to find them. Then I searched everywhere then I remembered there is a hidden door that we use to keep valuable stuff in, its like a safe but a huge room. In there we found all of the ghost and mom.

We got a box put her spirit in it went to the ghost and some how put mom back in her body then got the ghost out. And finally mom believes us now. We got ride of the ghost by having a priest come and do prayers and stuff to our house.

Now finally, everything is bette,r even my math grade as improved with me having the top grade in our class. So if anything happens to you like that, you might want to read again. Don't let the paranormal bite.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2014 ⏰

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