The Village

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They crossed the grasslands towards the mountains up ahead. Chief walked beside Lee hauling a heavy slay full of supplied up the mountain as Lee sat back doing a whole lot of nothing.

"Mr Scoresby you're not walking?" Lyra asked clearly trying to give him a hint of some kind.

"Three reasons," He started, "One: I struggle terribly with bunions"

"Oh how attractive," Chief rolled his eyes tugging on the ropes as someone pushed up from the back. Lee gave him a look before he carried on.

"Two: someone's gotta protect this balloon,"

"I can protect your balloon!" Lyra exclaimed.

"Protection requires a certain expertise!"

"Sure it does," Chief said sarcastically.

"I've got expertise!"

"You've got something kid." He said making Lyra smile, "And number three: why walk when you can ride?"

"So that's why your ass is so fat." Chief mumbled under his breath and Lyra sniggered, ignoring the offended look that came from Lee.

"Why aren't you in your balloon now?" She asked.

"I'm saving it for when it's needed," He said

"Wouldn't it be useful to see what's ahead?"

"Wouldn't it also be useful to have an extra pair of hands?" Chief asked very clearly targeted though he went ignored again.

"We have," he started gesturing up to the sky, the group watched as a majestic bird flew above them, his wings spread wide. "And a witch's daemon's a better eye in the sky than I'll ever be ."

After a while, Lyra spoke up again, "Mr Scoresby?"

"Call me Lee,"

"We're going to win this one aren't we? We're going to get those children back?" Lee turned his head to the other side and exchanged a look with Chief that confirmed where they both stood on the matter.

" Well if I was a betting man I'd say no and I am a betting man," Lyra looked down with a forlorn expression. "But I can tell by the look on your face you want me to say yes so... yes!" Chief looked away not wanting to look at either of them anymore or even think about what they were going to do.

"You're not an easy man to like you know what Lee?" He heard Lyra say.

"So people tell me," he said placing his hat over his face and presumably going back to sleep

"I'd tell you that," Chief said quickly making Lyra laugh and continue on forward.

Wind whistled around their ears as the path in front of them only seemed to get longer and further away. The snow turned into a sea of white that hurt their eyes to look at after a while. Chief and Lyra kept up the snarky comments all the way there if you were wondering, even when Lee was unconscious and unable to hear them, in fact, that's when they were at their best.

"You're not helping either you know," he said to his daemon, Juliet who looked perfectly content sitting on the slay he was pulling.

"Call it weight training," she said, "It might help you."

Chief rolled his eyes, "You sound just like Claudius you know that? I'm beginning to wonder who's meaner to me you or him"

After a while, they set up camp with their tents. He gave a big sigh as he flopped back against the sleeping bag letting his body relax and his eyes slowly fall shut. That was of course until the door to the tent opened letting in harsh winds and a familiar hare flopped in next to his head.

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