~ acknowledgements ~

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One day I was bored, so I got on Tumblr to look at Harumi fanart. It was during this spiral of looking at Harumi-based content that I came across the headcanon that Harumi is very protective of Kai. At first I scoffed at it, wondering why in the world someone would headcanon that, and then I started thinking about it.

     And thinking about it.

     You know, Kairumi actually has some potential.

     The idea for Street Smarts sprung into my head, so I did with I do with most spontaneous story ideas and wrote it down in a "Story Ideas" word document. Alright, it was written down for later, so I could come back to in a few years. That's the end of it, right?

     Well it turns out I had a surgery scheduled a day after the idea came to me. And after that surgery, my life had been put on hold for a week so I could recover. So here I was, a brewing idea in my head, with LOTS of time on my hands.

     I did what any sensible person would do.

     I wrote the story.

     A huge thank you to everyone who read this, y'all give me encouragement that my writing is worth reading, even when written during a period of pain meds. I'm very happy to see this crazy AU brought into fruition, and it was so much fun being able to break certain Ninjago fanfiction tropes. 

     Another thanks to Neon (therearenooptions) who binge read this and left some valuable feedback. I know I messed up two of your favorite ships, but your excitement towards Kairumi made me think it was worth fighting for. Thanks again!

     Esteemed gratitude towards my family, friends, and people I see on almost a daily basis. You all had to endure my rants as I was writing this, so thanks for putting up with that lol.

     If you're wondering where all the angsty chapter titles came from, that's all coming from Alan Walker's amazing song "Diamond Heart". I've put the music video for that above if you're interested in checking it out. Shoutout to him!

     Finally, the greatest thanks to the One who made it all possible, who gave me an opportunity to binge-write a distraction from the Departed series' complicated lore. It was a welcome relief, and I'm very thankful for a change to stretch my mind. You are the best!

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