Chapter 48 {WHERE HE WAS?}

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Avni was sitting all tensed

It's 1 o'clock and sid is still not at home she called him many times but the number is off

She is roaming here and there in lounch biting her nails

Suddenly she hear door bell ring she run towards the door but then remember sid's instructions

Never open the door without asking

"Who's there?" She asked

"Ur boyfriend" she hear his voice and tears flow from her eyes she quickly open the door and hug him tightly

"Oh my! So much romantic in first meet only" sid said holding her waist

"Sid please" she try to say but it come out like a whisper

"Baby I'm totally fine please let's go inside" sid said moving with her he close the door

They sit on couch he put his bag on side and give a glass of water to avneet as her condition is looking not so well she is sobbing cluting his shirt

"Baby clam down please I'm so sorry i was about to inform u that i went to see a location but my phone was dead and on top of it we were stuck in traffic and in middle of way tire got punctured so many hurddles but ur boyfriend cross all of them to meet his newly girlfriend" he said last line to make her smile but she didn't

"Why the hell u went so far like that huh? What about me if somthing happened to me ?" She jerk and almost yell at him

"Baby I'm totally sure nothing could happen to u i doubled my security on u and all are my trustable and loyal gurads" sid said making her sit

She sighed

"Are u okay ?" She asked in soft tone

"U okay then I'm also okay" he said staring at her

"Let's have dinner" she said his smile vanish

"U didn't had anything?" He asked she shook her head

"Avneet are u mad? Why didn't u had it ? Atleast u should think of our bab...." he stoped at last dunno after so many days he start missing his unborn baby whom he used to talk

That baby fill him with happness he love to take care of avni and also get mad when she is being careless but after that incident they lost their baby and according to doctors

Avneet can't be a mother for 2 years coz her inner health is not like to have a baby if she had she will have problems at delivery time so he can't risk her life just for his happiness

"I'm sorry" he apologize she wipe her tear which fall from eye

"Let's have dinner" after long silence sid said she just nodded and left

She heat the food and then serve it to sid and in her plate

Both had dinner in silence no one spoke a word


On bed both are facing opposite side their back are facing eachother

Both were lost in their own thinking

Sid sighed and look at avni she is not facing him he look at his phone and then smile he took his phone

"Avni i have to call someone urgent u sleep okay" he said avni look at him and then nodded her head he move out after 2 mins her phone start ringing

She took her phone and saw the caller id

"Why sid is calling me?" She got confused and then recieve the call

"Hello baby" she hear his romantic voice she smile

"Hello" she said

"Aren't u sleeping? Oh i can understand having that boring husband u must be worrying about him" he said controlling his laugh

"Yes! U are right u know he went so far without even telling me i hate him so much he don't even know how much I'm worried for him" she said almost bursting out


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