Chapter two

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chapter 2


Deep breathing.

In and out.

Breath Melodie.

You can do this God dammit!

This is just perfect. I'm hyperventilating in a dirty corner backstage at this stupid benefit concert.

I hate Mason so much right now.

It doesn't help my nerves that Gretchen was booed off stage for playing the glockenspiel.

Hehe glockenspiel its such a funny word....Wait what am I doing! Focus Melodie.

I drag myself off the laminate flooring towards the curtains. I peek out to see a huge crowd which look bored stiff. I don't see Mason anywhere.

My knees begin to shake uncontrollably and my palms become sweaty.

Uh oh.

I dash towards a whee-lie bin and in doing so trip over my own to feet, face planting the floor.

Well that was smooth.

I heave a bit of bile in the back of my throat. I need to get to that bin.

"Hey ,you okay there?" a very appealing husky female voice asks me.

As I turn to see who had spoken to me vomit explodsfrom my mouth. Rocoshaying onto a pair of black suede nike blazers. The remains of my lunch was swimming around in a green pool infront of me.

Hmm that's strange I don't remember eating pasta today.

I hear a high pitch scream from above me.


"Aww great I'm performing next, this is exactly the reason why I don't help people" the husky voice grumbled

At this point my cheeks were practically on fire.

I slowly raise my eyes to see who I vomited on.

And there stood, Bobbi Thorne. Notorious female badass and leader of the dance squad.

Her midnight black hair is cut into edgy pixie cut. She is wearing her signature ruby red lipstick which stands out against her porcelain pale skin. Her eyes an icy blue.

I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and attempt to talk. Except it comes all sounding more like gibberish.

"I- I'm soos-sorry-

"Zip it" she cuts me off mid sentence

"Your coming with me to sort out this mess" She grabs by arm roughly and tugs me towards the girls toilets.

Just my luck, I had to be the poor sap to puke all over Bobbi's shoes. This girl is scary as fuck.

As if she read my mind Bobbi snaps her  head around and glares down at me.

Her eyes soften after a split-second.

"Oh my days you look like your about to shit yourself, I'm not that scary I don't bite... well unless you want me too." she gives me a flirty wink.

I gulp loudly.

Okay this is awkward.

"I'm kidding sheesh calm down, your pretty and all but not my type" She rolls her eyes as we turn round the corner of the girls toilets.

She releases my arm much to my relief. Her tight grip had felt like a Bo-constructer strangeling it's prey.

Bobbi puts a hand down her white tank top and starts rummaging through her bra as if it was a pocket.

Do all girls do this?

"I know I had a pack somewhere...Oh wait got it!" She retrieves a pack of cherry flavoured chewing gum and passes it to me.

"Here you'll need this, wash your mouth first"

I take the gum into my shaking hands and then continue to turn on the tap. Icy cold water gushes out. I put my mouth to it and gurgle.

"Now to start with my shoes" Bobbi mutters

I cautiously watch as she grabs a roll of tissue paper and dampens it underneath the flow of water. She turns off the tap and I spit out into the sink.

"So what's your name, I've never seen you before, You new" she asks her voice gentle. She begins to wipe her shoe clean with the tissue.

" Ummm no I've been here for 4 years now, I'm Melodie.. Melodie Logan" my voice barley comes out as a whisper

"Really? My bad sorry, I'm guessing your not a sixth former then? Well the names Bobbi, Bobbi Thorne and from now on I'm calling you chunks." she throws the tissue paper which is now covered in a sickly green into the toilet behind and puts her hand out as if she is symbolizing a hand shake.

"No I'm not I am in year 11 ." I state becoming more confident around Bobbi. I shake her hand politely.

"Well that makes sense. I'm in year 13, I dont really talk to anyone outside of the sixth form."

I nod my head  understanding and smile. Bobbi the baddass isn't that bad after all.

"Shit! what time is it?" Bobbi screams her eyes alarmed as if she has just remembered something.

I check my watch to see the time is already 7:53

" Nearly five to 8 o'clock why?"

Before she gave me an answer she was already out of the bathroom, bolting down the school hall way towards the stage.

She calls out behind her "I'm supposed to be performing now!"

I sprint after her as the feeling of guilt consumes me. I am the reason she is late.

We reach back to see a parade of dancers wearing matching outfits : White vest topS with a camouflage print  jacket , leather looking shorts ,and black nike blazers.

Bobbi joins the front of the line with  a smile of relief on her full lips.

" Don't fuck up guys or else there will be trouble other than that let's go!" She shouts an they all hoot and cheer. They silence soon after, steely determination in all of their eyes as they march like soldiers onto the stage.

I hear the roar of the crowd from behind the curtains.

Of course they would be cheering, the dancers are amazing.

I am startled by the huge bass of the speakers as "Stronger" by Kanye West blasts.

The familiar howls from boys are heard. No doubt one of Mason's loud mouthed friends.

Then it hit me. I was up next.

Deep breathing.

In and out

I can do this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2013 ⏰

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