🔮Kabanata 18/S1: A Min

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Shuhua panted heavily as she finished blasting the monster in flames, she looked everywhere to where her siblings are.

She found Seulgi crying while fighting, Da-bin getting exhausted... But there were no signs of where Seung is.

"Soyeonnie! Where's Ate Seung?"

Shuhua asked Soyeon who glared at Nathan which the boy rolled his eyes and flew away to fight.


Soyeon gulped as Hyejin checked for a pulse, her eyes widened when she felt it weaken.

"Hey! Miyeon! C'mere and help me!"

Shuhua averted her eyes to where the shouting was heard, and there she saw Seung lying down with her head on Hwasa's lap.

Her left eye slashed down to her lips as her breathing weakened.

Shuhua dropped her weapon.

She zoomed her hearing towards Seung's slow beating heart, she pushed past Soyeon and ran to where her sister is.

Yongsun with one hand distracted the two-headed lion.

Shuhua grabbed Seung and hugged her as she placed her head on the older girl's chest.

"C'mon, c'mon, beat..."

Shuhua mumbled as her hands trembled hearing how Seung's heart slowed.

Hwasa saw Yongsun struggling so she left with Miyeon to help her.

"Ate, please you gotta be okay, okay Ka lang, Hindi ito mangyayare (you are okay, this will not happen)..."

Shuhua teared up.


Shuhua mumbled.

Flames covered her arms as she furrowed her eyebrows, and her breathing became heavier as her fangs sharpened.

"If Nathan didn't show off... You'd still be okay..."

Shuhua let Seung rest on the dusty ground as she stood up with her head down.

"If it wasn't for him... You'd still be helping me."

Her eyes changed their color, and her once grey calming orbs turned to gold.

Soon, the flames covered her body.

The two-headed lion looked at Shuhua and began to run towards her.


Seulgi shouts and tried to reach for her little sister when the two-headed lion swallowed Shuhua whole.


Da-bin shouts as he dropped to his knees.

The lion began to snarl as blood came out of its mouth.


Yuqi whispered as Minnie stopped running with some citizens.

The lion puked out flames as it landed on the ground with a huge hurricane of flames covering the body of the pale girl.

Everyone looks away as the dust blew away and it was getting hot like the sun.

A 20-meter lion stood taller than the two-headed one.

Its mane flaming, claws sharp along with its Fangs.

Everyone was shocked.

The Flaming Lion roared as it charged towards the two-headed lion biting the second head off, and throwing it towards the houses.

Yongsun gritted her teeth.

Ryujin who was still chained laughed.

"I told you! HAHAHAHA! I TOLD YOU!"

Ryujin cackles as Jihyo looks at Jimin asking if their sister is still right in the head.

"Tell us what Ryu..."

Rosé hugged her laughing sister.

Ryujin grins widely.

"There is a Min in all of us."

Everyone gasped seeing the Flaming Lion bites the nape of the now one head lion, and slam it down on the ground.

The flaming lion opened its mouth as an orb huge as the size of the mountain Everest was seen.

The flaming lion blasted it towards the enemy as it exploded to bits.

Seung opened her right eye as her ocean blue eye turned silver.


Seulgi gasped as Seung stood up and looked at...


Seung called as the flaming lion looked at her.

Miyeon covered her mouth realizing that the lion they all feared was her crush.

The flaming lion charges toward Seung ready to devour her when Seung punched her mouth making her stumble back and blast away towards the wall.

Rin seeing it with Tzuyu gulped as she forgot Seung can kill her admirers with just a punch.

Seung slammed her palms on the ground as the wall got fixed and the houses were now placed back together.

The flames dissolve.

And Shuhua laid there unconscious.

Seung sighed as she placed her hand on her bleeding left face.

She walks toward Shuhua but was stopped by Nathan.

"You! Your family is a fucking curse in this world!"

Nathan pushed Seung who rolled her eye and pushed past him.

"Speak up Kang! Or should I say, Min!"

"I'm not a fucking Min bitch."

Seung harshly spat making everyone flinch as they weren't used to seeing Seung with emotions as she was just cold as ice.

Seung kneels beside Shuhua and hugged her.

"I knew it..."

Seung whispered.

"But I didn't want to believe it."

Seung sighed as Nathan blamed everything that happened to the Kangs as the citizens didn't believe it, some did though.

"So? Kick this monster ou--"

Seung punched Nathan in the face shocking everyone as the girl didn't stop, she sat on his stomach and continued to punch his face.

Bitterness, remorse, and sorrow built in together causing her to almost kill Nathan.

Rin ran towards Seung and pulled her back with the help of Tzuyu and The two Kangs.

"Speak up Prescott! You didn't do shit but cause mayhem! I tried and tried to protect everyone including your annoying mother fucking prick ass! But you were just an ungrateful asshole! Because of you! The chance of me protecting my siblings went to waste because of your disgusting jealous bitch ass face!"

Seung shouts in anger as Rin hugged her.

Seung's tears fell.

She couldn't believe it.


Is she a Min?

Did their mother...

Their mother abandoned them?

Next Chapter✨...

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