Breaking in to the CG Kennels

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"This is never going to work."

Echo gave his brother a long look that said 'Are you kriffing kidding me?' And continued surveying the place. "This was entirely your idea."

"Yeah, well, I'm starting to realize that this one idea might actually not work for the first time ever."

"Fives, none of your ideas would ever work if you didn't have me to go along with it."

"That's not entirely.. that's entirely true. But still."

Echo chuckled quietly. Fives finally huffed a sigh and looked around the area. It was pretty quiet, despite being the middle of the day.

"Are you sure she'll be here?" Echo suddenly asked.

"Yeah. It's their day off." Fives said. "Can't believe there's no security cameras here."

"Well after today, there almost certainly will be. Come on."

And with that, they slipped in.

And they found Grizzer very quickly.

Well, Grizzer found them.

Fives and Echo had always found the Coruscant Gaurd Kennels to be an odd place for how tight and clean they made everything else. Sure, there were actual cages for each massiff, but some cages were never actually closed and Grizzer's was one of them. After all, there was no way for them to get out. And Grizzer was one of the best behaved massiffs in the whole CG. She would never run away and Hound knew it.

So when they got inside, Grizzer came bounding up to them right away, her hindquarters waggling in excitement because of the lack of tail.

"Oh, hey girl." Fives said, kneeling down to pet her.

She was very familiar with them and the twins loved her.

After all, she was sent to find them all the time after certain shenanigins when they were planet-side

Yes, they'd seen her in action and yes she absolutely would rip someone's arm off if Hound told her too. That didn't stop them.

Echo nudged Fives. "Okay, how do we get out of here and back to the ship?"

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