Playing with Fire

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They tried to make the long trip to a new town and it was getting harder and harder for Claire to do certain tasks even standing up by herself was hard. Worst of all she was burning up and sweating even though she was barely moving and it wasn't even that hot out. Claire was also not really responding to her name being called like her mind was going else where. She didn't even remember Jaskier for three minutes and punched him so hard she knocked him out when he tried helping her up.

She was awake but at the same time when he asked her qestions she would stop talking mid sentence and talk about something that wasn't even relevant to what they were talking about. She was also now afraid of water making Geralt worry that she actually was sick and it wasn't her curse making her act this way. But she was perfectly fine when they left that town.

"Claire?" Geralt asked as Jaskier was still rubbing his jaw from where she punched him in the face.

"Claire?" Geralt asked again when there wasn't an answer from her.

He turned to look at her and it was clear that she wasn't all there. He stopped Roach and went to her horse and tried to get her to acknowledge him but she was staring off into nothingness. He carefully picked took her off her horse and tried to get her to stand but her legs gave out so he sat her down on the ground.

"Why is she like this?" Jaskier asked.

"Her curse maybe I don't know, she never really told me anything about what happened to her relatives that had this curse. This could even be new since she used her curse to save me," he informed as he felt her forhead and she was burning up.

Her long black hair was drenched in sweat and she was shaking.

"You are hot but you're also cold, I hope this isn't you actually dying right now Claire," Geralt said as Jaskier looked at him sadly.

"Do you think she is actually sick with something else?" Jaskier asked.

"I hope so but I don't know what sickness would make her be this way," he stated as he saw a small pond.

He picked her up and was once again going to try to cool her off. He started to head into to the water while Jaskier stayed behind and watched sadly as Geralt was trying to keep her alive. Claire started trying to get away from him and hiss as the water was getting closer and closer to touching her small body.

"Claire I'm sorry but you are to hot," he said as he was about to put her in the water.

"Geralt stop!" Jaskier yelled as Claire's hair barely touched the water but it ignited into flames.

"She will die if we can't lower her body temperature!" Geralt yelled.

"Look at her hair it's on fire!" He yelled as Geralt could now smell her hair burning and quickly got out of the water and put her hair out.

"What kind of monster would give a curse like this to someone?!" Geralt asked as he now had to wait to completely dry off to touch her again.

"I don't know but you can fix this, you fixed my curse," Jaskier informed.

"I caused it with the Jinn her curse a witch or a wizard cursed her family three hundred years ago! It has passed down for generations and I don't know the words I read all the books and there aren't any words to her curse! I need those to break this.

I can't give her healing potions because they will kill her, can't put her in water now because it will set her on fire, I have to watch her fucking die and there is nothing I can fucking do about it!" He yelled angerily.

"She said it wasn't going to be pretty, she gave you the option to leave her several times and you refused to do it. This curse is terrible and it's hard for everyone having to watch her go threw this and for her to go threw. It's inhumane, it's cruel beyond anything else, and we are the only people that actually ever gave a dam if she dies. No one else cares. You really care and I know you don't want her to see her die but look at her Geralt she can't even function as a human being. This might only be a small taste of what will happen to her," Jaskier pointed out as Geralt paused.

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