You take a photo of them sleeping

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-Heeseung was sleeping so you decide to take a picture of him
-you went up closer to him
-and that simple 'snap' made him wake up


-Jay was sleeping so you wanted to take a picture of him with his eyes a little open (y'all know his sleeping habit, right?) To show it to him once he woke up
-you went closer to him
-you took the picture then put it as your background


-Jake was sleeping, cuddled with Layla.
-you decide to take a picture of him and Layla bcz of how cute they looked
-you went closer to take the picture
-that 'snap' woke up Layla but luckily, it didn't wake him up


-You were both watching a movie but Sunghoon ended up falling asleep on your lap
-you grabbed your phone to take a picture of him
-sadly, you dumbass forgot to turn off the flash and you woke him up
-you quickly hid your phone so he wouldn't see it


-You were down stairs in the living room while Sunoo was upstairs, sleeping
-after watching a movie, you went up and saw Sunoo peacefully sleeping
-You went up closer to him and took a picture
-luckily, he didn't wake up


-Both of you would be cuddling each other so you could fall asleep
-Jungwon was the first one to fall asleep, you being the only one awake
-He would be doing his little popping habit and you would watch him in awe
-you grab your phone from the night stand and snap a quick picture
-afterwards you put the picture as your background


-you came back home late after being out with your friends
-you saw Riki sleeping in the couch
-you went up to him to take a picture of him sleeping and then you woke him up so he could go to the bedroom (we all know you weren't about to carry his 6 foot tall ass)
-when you where done doing your night routine, you got into bed and cuddled with Riki


Hehe 😏

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