You ask them if you look fat

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-"Baby? Do I look fat in this?"
-You look at yourself in the mirror, not liking how you look in those clothes
-"What? No, you look gorgeous!"
-"I look so fat in this!" You say
-he would go up to you and hug you
-"Y/N, look at me in the eyes." He says grabbing your chin
-you looked at him in the eyes
-"You look beautiful, and you are not fat, ok? Never say that ever again." He says.
-"Ok..." You say
-Afterwards he would give you a peck on the lips


-"Jay-ahh, do I look fat in this?"
-You say, unhappy of how your body looked
-"No, you look beautiful! Why would you think you look fat?" He says
-"Well, I look too fat in this dress." You say
-He would walk up to you and hold your hands
-"You look beautiful, ok? That is all you need to know."
-He would look at you in the eyes as he told you that
-"Ok..." You say
-he would give you a kiss after


-"Jake! Come here please!!" You yell to your boyfriend
-"What is it baby?" He asks once he enters your shared bedroom
-"Do I look fat?" You ask him
-he would look at you with the 'are you serious' look
-"Of course not, you look wonderful!" He says
-he would walk up to you and give you a hug
-"Don't ever say that again, ok? You are beautiful."
-"Ok!" You say


-"Sunghoon-shii!!" You yell
-"What Y/N-shii!?"
-"Please come to put bedroom!!" You yell
-He walked into the bedroom and you looked at him in the eyes
-"Be honest, baby. Do I look fat in this?"
-You ask as you pointed to you body and outfit
-"Nope. You look beautiful, babe."
-"I look fattt!!" You whine
-"Y/N, you look beautiful, stop saying that."


-"Sunoo!! Come hereeee!!!"
-"What is it Y/N-iee?" He asks once he comes in the room
-"I want to ask you something."
-"What is it?"
-"Do I look fat in these clothes?" You ask
-"Hell no. You look wonderful! I think I'm going to start drooling any second now!"
-All you could do was laugh at your boyfriends kind words
-"D-drooling?" You ask between laughs
-"Yes! You look beautiful!"
-"Thank you Sunoo-shii."


-"Jungwon? Do I look fat in these?" You ask your boyfriend who was playing on his phone
-He got off his phone and looked at you
-"Nope. You look good."
-"Really? I think I look fat..."
-"Nah, you look really beautiful."
-"hmm... I think I'm going to change."
-you started walking towards your closet to change your clothes
-"Nope, back away from that closet. You are not changing clothes." Jungwon says with a warning voice
-"Aish, fine. I'll get going then."
-"Alright, have fun with your friends!"


-You were in your shared bedroom, looking at the tight dress you were wearing
-"I look fat in this...." You thought
-"I need to ask Riki."
-"RIKI!!! COME HERE!!" You yell for your boyfriend who was in the kitchen
-"What do you want Y/N-shi?" He asked when he entered the room
-"Do I look fat in these clothes?" You ask him
-"No. It suits you tiny body." He says
-"Well... Ok then, I get going. Bye bye!"
-"Bye Y/N!! Love you!"
-"Love you too!!"


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