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Word count: 751

You and Billy had met around 6 years after First Night. You had almost got bit by a zom and we're almost grabbed by one before you were pulled forward into somebody's arms. You watched as the zom that had almost grabbed you fell to the ground.

The person that had saved you was Billy. As you turned around and looked him in the eyes there was a spark that seemed to pass through both of you.

As he took his hands off of you he took a step back looking you up and down as he said, "You should come back to my camp. You would be safer there than you are out here."

As you looked at his you started to feel a little intimidated, he was easily around 6'2 while you were around 5'6. His bright blue eyes locked on yours and the smirk he had brought it all together.

You were still a little stunned so all you could manage was a nod. He held his hand out for you to grab and it fit perfectly in his. He gently led you through the woods to his camp.

The weeks that followed after that had been the best weeks you could ever ask for. It was full of love and hugs (He really loved hugs surprisingly.) and "I love you's" (Mostly from you.)

Due to his past trauma he took it slow with you, not wanting to let you into his life so quick. It had been around a year before you had your first kiss with him. But when he would look at other people there would be this hard look in his eye as if he was trying his hardest to not yell or kill them. But then when he looked at you it was the complete opposite. The hard look would soften and he looked at you like somebody would look at a cute animal.

The night you guys had your first kiss it had been very hot out and you were working on a little garden that you had started around your part of the camp.

The moon was full and so bright you could see everything clearly. As you stood up from pulling a weed, you felt warm hands wrap around your waist. You jumped and turned around only to be nose to nose with Billy.

He smirked at you, his warm breath hitting your lips. You backed up and step and said "What are you doing here so late?!" Billy smiled confidently when he heard the fluster in your voice and saw you blushing.

"Well I live here with you don't I?" He asked while gesturing to your home. "Well... yeah your right but-" You stopped as Billy stepped closer.

"You know... I wanted to give you something special tonight. I was to..." He stopped, trying to find the right words. "Shy? Nervous? To give it to you on our anniversary." Your heart practically stopped as he stepped closer and grabbed your hands.

He pulled you close and with one hand he took your chin and leaned down. Your lips connected and a jolt passed through your body. His lips were so soft. Way softer than you had expected.

It was short and sweet but full of meaning. He smiled at you as he pulled away.  After that he said it was late and he led you into your house and you slept side by side. When you had woken up in the morning you were facing him, he was awake and studying your face. When he realized you were awake he brushed the hair from your eyes and leaned in, kissing you goodmorning.

*Time skip or write more here*

Billy had seemed to be getting more touchy but you were all for it. The people around Billy's camp would always stare at him as he walked through camp. Now, they also looked at you as Billy held your hand and lead you to the entrance of the camp. He wanted to show you somewhere special.

You guess some people in the camp didn't know about you too because there were a few gasps as Billy leaned down to kiss you. "This place is very special to me," He began, studying you. There was a sort of sparkle in his eye as he pulled you close. "It's safe from zoms and nobody knows about it." He smirked as he grabbed your hand and led you into the woods.

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