Part II - The Enemy of My Enemy, Is My Friend

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"Surrender, Xeno-Spy!"

It felt like I had a headache and my head was dizzy. The sudden light that was shot against my face was no help in its annoyance and was more bothersome than usual. But I knew what it meant from when I heard the demand from the Imperial Guardsmen as I assumed they were by the silhouettes I saw as my sight was clearing up.

Naturally I was not in a spot to try and fight my way out so I held up my hands above my head. It did not take long for me to feel something around my wrists keeping them tight and close. Two guardsmen pulled me by my elbows, just letting my knees and feet dragged against the dirty ground. I felt the need to blink my eyes before looking up, I was being brought to the bunker. They stripped me all of my gadgets and weapons, including my banshee power sword from my scabbard. All I had was my synthetic bodysuit and its armour plates.

I cannot remember the whole shape of that which attacked me. It must have been what I heard prior, that followed me all the way here! I would be lucky if its commotion would allow me an opportunity to break free. Frankly I am surprised they did not shoot me on the spot. The Imperium of Man is more likely to kill than take prisoners from what I know.

Soon enough they dropped me, and kicked my shoulder back so that my back was against the wall of the bunker. I frowned and tried to hide any pain by gritting my teeth and breathing out my nose. It did not take them long to start asking questions.

"What purpose does the Eldar have on OUR world, xeno? How many more of you are there?"

Being that the Necron monstrosity was nearby I feel hardly intimidated. Their technology was so primitive compared to that of mine. Nor did their attempts to look fierce sway me. While the mon-keigh have their flaws, I've heard that there are times that they can see reason and the truth. Although I doubt they will believe me, it would be worth a try. They will believe my warning, or may not and perish painfully by the Necron's wave of destruction.

– "My people arrived on this world to prevent the rise of an ancient and powerful foe. They're soulless and an enemy to all life. The Necrons cannot be allowed to roam free and regroup with the rest of their armies, or else the galaxy is doomed. Their technology is vastly greater than any weapon you mon-keigh possess. If you have any sense, you mon-keigh would retreat and allow my kin to seal those wicked machines back into the crypts  from whence they emerged."

The three masked and one unmasked guardsman there with me I could see struggled to not chuckle at my warning as a heard a brief snicker from them. One of them even poked me with his bayonet attached to his lasgun-rifle at my shoulder. It was annoying, it's hard to restrain my emotions in front of them for how I really felt. I kept trying to avoid looking at the ruined building from where I was and fell down. I do not fear the mon-keigh guardsmen, I am afraid of whatever knocked me down. I do not want to die, knowing I have more things that I want to do. Soon enough it was hard to hide where I was looking and the guardsmen obviously noticed and one spoke to me in a demeaning tone despite the mask that distorted the true sound of his voice.

"Afraid of the dark now or are you expecting another to help you? No need to be afraid, all the greenskins died by our  ¨primitive¨ weaponry, as you call it, xeno. Their filthy and bloodied corpses litter the ground, and will remain that way."

I look at him with my unimpressed face before I answered him, noticing that the unmasked guardsman took a look at the direction as well with a hint of unease at his shacky movements.

– "I am not cautious over the dead Orks, but of the other that is out there in the dark."

The unmasked guardsman looked back and seemed a bit nervous and scared, the darkness seemingly having put him on edge. I would almost pity him. Although the masked one that spoke demeaningly at me and appeared to lead this ¨interrogation¨ was not impressed as he responded by slapping me across my cheek. It naturally made me flinch and he hit hard enough for it to appear a bit red. Anger and annoyance I feel in my heart against him.

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