Fluff |‹Yours or Mine?›

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Junior and Lexy notice that Devon and Jake seem to have started losing their belongings and then miraculously finding them just a few minutes later. Jake and Devon are blissfully unaware of their friends shenanigans.
Just wait to see the actual plot of this oneshot.
Junior's pov

"Did Oliver ever tell us if his parents said we can all sleepover for the weekend or did he forget?" I ask Devon as we head towards our lockers and away from our drama classroom. "I don't know, I didn't check the group chat." He responds with a shrug. He makes his way to the left side of the hall and then stops in front of his locker.

He puts in his locker combination before swinging the door open. The inside of his door is decorated with pictures of our friend group and his mom. There are also three quotes from his serial killer magazines cut out and taped to the door.

As he begins to put away his books and pencil case from our last classes I notice that both his biology book and gym clothes for our next classes are missing. Devon never loses anything, he's too organized. If he ever did then he'd immediately notice and yet he seems completely unfazed. He used to go crazy about being unprepared.

Before I can double check what I saw he swiftly closes the door of his locker and turns to me. "Don't you need your gym clothes? It's Tuesday, you have gym today." I question. "I know but they're not there." He replies, still unfazed. "Text Oliver and confirm our plans, I've gotta go and do something." He says to me before walking away in the opposite direction of his class.

What the fuck?

Still Junior's pov

"Yes what is it, Mr. Wheeler?" My math teacher asks due to my raised. "Can I use the restroom?" I reply. He sighs at my interruption before nodding his head and writing me a hallpass. As I take it from his hands I thank him before quickly exiting.

Who doesn't love wasting class time in the bathroom watching TikToks? As I turn the corner I spot a familiar figure at the water fountain. I make note of his outfit before walking up to him.

"Devon?" I call out to him causing his head to lift and look at me. "Hey, what's up?" He replies after recognizing me. "You found your gym clothes that quick?" I ask him, surprise evident in my voice. "They weren't lost." He says with amusement.

"But you said they weren't in your locker. Earlier I mean." I reply. "I know, 'cause they weren't. Anyways I've gotten get back to gym class. We're doing the PACER test." He says before turning away and waving me a goodbye. I scrunch my face.


Lexy's pov

"What do you mean you didn't see my texts?" I repeat his words as if I didn't hear him the first time. Jake rolls his eyes at me before shrugging. "I don't have my phone on me." He explains. I scrunch my face in distaste. "You're supposed to always have your phone. Your a teen." I say.

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