Chapter 3: It's Just The Start

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The sunlight began to shine through the cracks in between the curtains, awakening me. Finally, I sit up. Still slightly dazed and confused between actuality and dreamland. Glancing, I grab my phone to check my notifications and skim through my social media.

It's been a difficult period trying to stay consistent with posting on social media in this condition. Social media has become a crucial aspect of my life regarding my career. I have always wanted to make something of myself online, whether becoming an influencer, model or entertainer. I have always loved to be in front of the camera. I discovered my interest in photography, videography and editing at a young age. It wasn't surprising to me when I wanted to try and pursue it on social media. It just happened naturally, as I had more access to the internet.

After scrolling through my news feed, I head onto Tik Tok. I find the content on my page amusing, seeing that there was plenty of relatable content. Recently I have been trying to post content too. To my surprise, I've been garnering attention and slowly growing my platform. I never expected to become more successful on this app. Seeing the number of messages waiting for me, I check my messages and see an unfamiliar profile at the top. Clicking the profile, I was surprised to see that the pianist replied to me. No fucking way, I thought to myself. Putting my phone down and covering my face in shock. Checking again, I read the message.

lmaojkplayspiano: oooo okay i'll give it a listen. thank you :)

That fucking smiley face. I quickly found a smile creeping onto my face as I began composing my response.

ahh, thank you! i've been absolutely in love with it. it's a piece where i don't know if i should be happy or sad. it just gets me some type of way. i find it really beautiful, maybe you might like it?

After sending the message, I couldn't help but overthink the situation. Did I seem overly enthusiastic about music? Perhaps he'd think oddly about me, I say to myself. "Good morning Princess." I hear a voice say as I quickly snap out from drowning in my thoughts. I was deep in thought and didn't realise that Sungjae had walked into my room.

"Hi." I smile as he walks towards my curtains to open them. "Hey! That's so bright!" You exclaim, squinting your eyes.

"You are a vampire, you know." He laughs while fixing the opened curtains as I roll my eyes at him.

"Why? Want me to bite you?" I teasingly ask, getting up from my bed and stretching my body. Without realising it, I stretched too much, causing me to lose balance from the pain my chest and ribs were giving me.

Sungjae quickly rushes behind me, with his left hand on the left side of my hip and the other on my right arm, lifting me. "I'd love that." He whispers into my ear, helping me sit on my bed.

"Shut up," I say, nudging my arm into him. Suddenly, I hear someone clear their throat. I quickly shoot my head up only to see the doctor and Sunhyo standing by the door. I felt my cheeks burning up in embarrassment, glancing at the doctor trying to hide his smile and Sunhyo raising her eyebrows at me.

"How long have you been standing there?" Sungjae asks, holding the area where I nudged him. I scoff as if that hurt him that bad.

"Not long enough. Don't worry." Sunhyo cheekily grins, making me want to dig a hole and bury myself in it.

"You know, it's rude to enter a room without knocking," Sungjae says in an irritated tone while standing up to sit on a nearby chair. The doctor and Sunhyo quietly laugh behind their clipboard before quickly coming to their senses.

"Anyways, we just wanted to inform you that you can leave the hospital today," Sunhyo says, before looking up at the doctor.

"With that being said Miss Jang, I trust you won't be outdoors often and are consistent with your medication. We'll contact you for a routinely check to see your progress." The doctor explained. "If you have any concerns, don't hesitate to contact the hospital." He smiles before bowing and leaving the room.

"I hate you." You loudly say to Sungjae, turning away from him with my arms crossed.

"You started it first!" Sungjae exclaims, his jaw-dropping in disbelief.

Sunhyo starts laughing while shaking her head. "Stop fighting. You guys are so annoying." She says, helping me pack my belongings into my bag. "You might as well date." She murmurs, not knowing that both of us heard her.

"As if!" Sungjae and I simultaneously say. Both of us have always said that we would never date each other. Both he and I would never want to risk putting our friendship in danger, as things wouldn't be the same if we were to break up. Although, we did make a promise to each other. We made a pact to marry each other at a certain age if we weren't married by then. I guess you could say, Sungjae and I had a platonic relationship.

I had never romantically thought of Sungjae. The idea of dating Sungjae never occurred to me. Truthfully, thinking about it makes me feel weird. In the past Sungjae confessed to me that he liked me. Although, I never reciprocated the same feeling. The thought of me being his first love just felt odd. He was a good-looking guy. Not to mention wealthy and had a funny personality, but he didn't strike me. Maybe because I've associated him with being my best friend, he felt like family. It's bizarre for me to think about.

"Whatever you guys say," Sunhyo says, shrugging her shoulders.

I grab my remaining belongings from my bedside table, ensuring I don't forget my phone charger. I quickly glance at my phone, my eyes widening when I receive a notification from Tik Tok. I had never been so fast to check a notification.

lmaojkplayspiano: yeah yeah!! i feel you. i love music that does that

I smile to myself as I look at the screen. "Why are you smiling like that?" Sungjae questions, tilting his head towards the side in curiosity.

"Nothing." I quickly reply as I snap out of my thoughts. His eyes were seemingly surprised at your fast response.

"She probably has a boyfriend," Sunhyo says teasingly as your cheeks heat up, making it obvious that you're blushing. "See, she's blushing." Sunhyo giggles, raising her eyebrows at me. I tried to open my mouth to say something, but someone butts in.

"Pft. No, she doesn't. If she did, I'd already know by now. Anyways, who would want to date her." Sungjae cackles, making me feel offended.

"Excuse me? A lot of guys are interested in me. You have no idea." I explain in aggravation.

"Oh yeah? Well, you would've had a boyfriend by now then." He points out, noticing that you're becoming irritated as the conversation continues.

"As if you didn't have a crush on me." I say, feeling confident with my response. I look 

"As if you didn't have a crush on me," I say, feeling confident with my response. I peek quickly, only to see Sungjae's eyes widen and his face turning red. I look over at Sunhyo, who nods in approval of my statement. 

We'll see Sungjae, we'll see.

a/n: thank you for reading this chapter! i hope you're beginning to understand the dynamic and relationship between sungjae and monica. don't worry, jungkook will be making his way soon ;)

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