The sun was setting, this was her favourite time mainly because she could go to the beach then. She never new why she couldn't go at day. But just like all the others the sun and pearl set off on her journey to the beach. It didnt take long but as soon as she got there she had a feeling, it was like something was telling her to run away, but she didn't
pearl startedwalking in the sand with her eyes closed, when she suddenly stopped the feeling was back, she opend her eyes to see a monster it looked so weird, it stood on two legs, it's skin was pale and not scaly at all and it's ears were tiny and almost coverd by a dark brown thing on it's head, it definatly wasn't from the ocean. Is this why she wan't allowed on the beach at day. after what felt like forever the monster broke the scilence with a ear peircing screech, it was so loud. out of panic pearl thew it into the ocean to stop the noise, but it was to late there were more mumbled noises coming from beond the beach folowed allongn with with flickers of light, she had to act fast so she dove into the water.
She was about to swim away, when out of the corner of her eye she saw the monster, it had pased out and obviusly she wasnt going to leave it, so she picked it up and carryed it to her favourite cave along with some dead fish for it to eat when it woke up.
Day 1:the monster woke up and made this orange thing, I tryed to pick it up but it just hurt really, really bad why would it make something that could hurt you, or mabye it dosent hurt them. I just know that I'll be staying away from it.
Day 2: I don't think it's doing good. Its not talking, but i hope it will soon. I really wanna make a new friend, ok fine my first friend, but now its here i can have one and maybe then evryone else will want to talk to me.
Day 4: I accidentally forgot to go on day 3 but i think that was a mistake. because... they left... i guess they didnt want to be friends.