✦.⁺ inscrutable.

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═ ☆. THE OFFICER WHO ESCORTED YOU outside seemed irritated. After being checked in and waiting in a holding cell for all of thirty minutes, the stern-looking woman informed you you could leave. You could tell the officer didn't agree with this in the slightest, but she handed over the release paperwork with pursed lips.

You wondered what strings had been pulled to let you off the hook. A few hundred euros fine seemed in order after the shit you and Narancia had pulled. Not to mention Squalo and Tiziano could press charges later on.

The release paperwork was handed off. The officer stiffly wished you a pleasant evening.

You looked around for Narancia and Fugo in the waiting area. You spotted the two of them sitting off to the side, catching the tail end of their conversation. Narancia pointed out something on his radar, explaining how he'd tracked Tiziano while Fugo nodded intently. His clothes were still damp after being dumped unceremoniously into the fountain.

"Looks like you got out alright," you said, stopping in front of them. You tried for teasing, but your words came out stiff and awkward. You were still half-afraid Tiziano's Stand would twist your words around.

"Is it really you talking?" Narancia asked, peering at you over his radar. Fugo looked at you briefly, then quickly lowered his gaze.

"I'm sorry about all of that back there," you said. It was a relief to finally get the words out. "I didn't mean what I said. Tiziano's Stand forced me to say the opposite of whatever I meant. It even controlled my actions to make sure I couldn't warn you. I'm pretty sure that was what was travelling around in the water and soup. I should've been more careful."

"No, it was my mistake," muttered Fugo. "We shouldn't have been eating anything knowing what was going on there."

"Still, I should've worked harder to make you understand what was going on. Things could've turned out even worse if I'd kept talking."

"Hey, it's all good," said Narancia. "We know you're not mean enough to insult us to our faces. I thought something was up when you denied liking Fugo."

"Would you drop that?" Fugo rubbed a hand over his face.

"I'm sorry again," you had to say. "Saying that stuff about your temper was insensitive. You're not uptight. I actually think it's really sweet how much—" The words staggered when you realized you didn't know where you were going with the sentence without sounding like an idiot. You turned to Narancia. "And of course we're friends. I'd never say all that after what we've been through. It was stupid of me, and should've just shut up when I realized what was happening."

Narancia raised an eyebrow. "Don't apologize when it was the Stand talking and not you. If you meant the opposite of what you said, then you've got nothing to be sorry about." Despite his dismissive tone, you could tell Narancia appreciated the apology. He got to his feet, ready to lead you out of the station. Fugo smiled cautiously at you when you looked his way, and when you squeezed his hand, the tips of his ears reddened.

Outside, the sky was beginning to darken. Looking at it reminded you of how exhausted you felt. All you wanted was to sink into your bed and pass out. A man looked up as the trio passed, almost as though he'd been waiting for you.

The man said your name and you jolted at it coming from the man's lips. "Yes?"

The man inclined his head. "I'm Vanilla Ice, butler of the Brando household. Signor Brando has requested that I pick you up."

"What the—why would Giorno's dad tell his butler to pick you up? Did you do something?" Narancia said in a low voice to you.

"Are you going to drive me back to the dorms?" you asked Vanilla.

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