As I pick my weapon of revenge tonight

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The echoing music playing afar as it was 8 minutes to 2am. She slept less on these nights & often wondered why she couldn't drown the gyrating music. It was her soul calling to her at night to speak to her.

" I didn't mean to do it" - she sobbed

"I'd had enough" - she blurted angrily

"It wasn't my intention to shed blood"

"I find solace in knowing it ended my way". she sniffled & grinned

Twas the year 2033, spring. I remember because I had lost my virginity to Peterdyo.

He was so charming & he read to me while we ate & picnic in the garden after the waterfall.

It was the most romantic place to make love & i giggle each time I remember or pass by.

He understood me like no one else & I was charmed by his looks & most of all his words.

The way he looked at me while he fed me. Hmmm was ever so enticing & exquisite.

His eyes fell on me like I was his Goddess & his touch was gentle yet intense.

Slow soft kisses, hmmm .. how much I miss those.

I longed to see him, after each kiss. But I feared that after these butterfly kisses, a grand finale would occur. And yes it did, more often than I thought.... We were inseparable, & I could almost say it was love.

The next fall I was with child, he was delighted to be a father & we promised to stay true to one another.

Fate played a coy game, a week before our little gift arrived, Peterdyo broke his legs.

He got better but not without picking up the habit of drinking. He became a friend to the bottle & I feared I had lost him.

He spoke hurtful words & the home was filled with do much negativity

My fiery love was gone & I had a child to care for.

I left & didn't tell a soul where I was headed. Except my step sister Penelope. She had stood by my in my dark days & in her I trust with all my secrets. Most of all she loved me as I am & didn't try changing me or comparing me to others. She spoke her truth in warm words, not icy sharp piercing words. We sang & ate joyfully two Eve's before I escaped.

I sailed to new lands & started a new life for my child & I. On the fields we worked.

In the kitchen, then I finally got lucky a wealthy family needed my services & the pay was good. We would have our own apartment & it was just what we needed till I got on my feet


I began to poison them slowly, sprinkling rat poison & another I read online would be untraceable in an autopsy.

I had fantasized of stabbing while they slept, with the blood splattering over my face as I poured my bottled up resentment, anger & frustration.

I didn't want their death to be quick.

Oh no!, why the rush!!?!, I wanted it sloooww, while they watched as the life slipped away from them.

I would do CPR or use a Defibrillator to bring them back to life to start the pain over, & take it all in, as their eyes & faces plead for mercy & they scream in anguish.

Hahahaha you had your turn, torturing me, & I was almost helpless.....

Now allow me to sail on the bloody River of your demise.

It's been two days since I took out the Adana family, a week from now the rest of the clan would come for a family summer reunion. The house reaks with the bodies, I'll need to take them out desperate the rainstorm all week. Now I wish I had industrial grade cleaning supplies. How would I get them in this down pour. I've got to, we don't want no evidence.

I'll pack up their suitcase, before the security change shifts in the morning, I'll pack the bags & bodies. I'll need to cut them up into pieces, freeze & stuff into travel bags.

Things I'll need to get : a chainsaw, lots of plastic wraps & bags, industrial grade cleaning supplies,

It's so much work, I'll need help, but who would join me & not feel guilty & would keep a secret?

They treated too many people like trash bit some still feared them. Who doesn't?

I'll need to do this with lots of music & alchol too.

Chop chop, splat splat one down 3 more to go.

It's almost morning hopefully the freezing stops the blood flowing & the smell.

Time to clean up, the stains on the carpet are getting tough to come out. I'll boil some hot water to the mix.

Oh my the smell, how do I get rid of it.

I'll open up all the windows once I'm done cleaning.

Let's put the travel bags into the car.

Should I dump the bodies in the river or in the woods? & The car too.

Setting it on fire would call attention. I could dump the bodies in the woods, drive the car into the river.

Now it'll be nice to bake some cinnamon rolls & eat a feast while I wait for the rest of the clan to arrive next weekend.

I thought I'll feel bad after doing it, but I feel light & a bit of joy.

When there's an investigation, I'll need to have my story straight & was it a lover swabble or a kidnapping.

It'll be too suspicious to leave when there's no one around. I'll wait till the clan comes the go for my off days so everything looks normal.

I'll need to go around the house the check for any clue that lead back to me.

Their clothes need to be less since they travelled. The poison items discarded.

It's day four & I almost forgot I murdered them.

In 3 days the Clan will arrive.

I called my sister to speak with my child. I missed her so much.

I couldn't wait to see her after I had completed my revenge


Ramblings of an addict.... Bngozi's journey of Love, Sex , Drugs & Awakening

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