"We've all got the power to kill in our hands" -Richard Ramirez

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Benji had always been fucked up in the head and that was no surprise to anyone who knows him. He always had a fascination with serial killlers, especially Jeffrey Dahmer, who killed and ate his victims. No one really paid attention to him growing up, meaning he could have full access to the computer without anyone caring. His dad was always out dealing drugs and his mom wasn't really in the picture..until he was about 8. His dad was arrested on a drug charge and two counts of murder.

When he was in middle school he met one of his good friends, Felix. Felix was a really smart and enjoyable kid. But every kid has their dark side and his was just like benjis. That's how the two connected. They both liked cannibalism and murder. The only difference between the two was that Felix wanted to act on his cannibalistic thoughts while benji wanted to act of his murderous thoughts. Other than that they both enjoyed the same things and had a lot in common.

As the years went on they met more people, those people eventually became there friends and some a little more than that.

In 9the grade, Benji met a boy named Victor. He has caramel skin, beautiful brown eyes and a smile that sparked a light deep down in Benji.  The two shared everything with each other and in 10th grade they started dating.

They also met 3 other people. Lake, Mia and Andrew. Mia and Andrew are dating and so are lake and Felix.

All their relationships were going great and everyone in the friends group got along really well.

Benjis home life wasn't the best. He's been living with him mom ever since his dad was arrested. She's abusive...extremely abusive. She's done horrible things to Benji. From burning him with cigarettes, to beating him unconscious to even slashing his face with knives.

The two were always fighting. Everyday it was something different and they would fight over the smallest things.

For instance, the other day.

"Benji! Get down here and help with your siblings!" His mom, Sandra, yelled up the steps "mom, I have a lot of homework. I really can't right now" he called back. This set her off and she grabbed a knife and went upstairs to Benjis room

"I said get the fuck downstair!" She yelled shoving the knife in his face. Benji backed up on his bed and reached under his pillow for his own knife. The second he grabbed it his mom pushed him down and pinned him against his bed "if you're gonna live in my fucking house you're gonna do what I say" she said and made a deep slash on the side of his mouth "and you're going to fucking like it" she made a slash on the other side making him cry out.

She let go of him and Benji gave her a glare full of anger as blood ran down his mouth and neck. "What the actual fuck is wrong with you, mom" he asked, gripping the knife in his hand tighter. He moved closer to her and swung his fist directly at her face "you don't fucking hit me in my own house!" She swung back at Benji, hitting his cheekbone "then don't fucking slash my face open!" He said, blood now dripping onto the carpet and his mom

"You did this to yourself. All you had to do was come downstairs and help out with your siblings, But no. You had to be difficult. This is what you deserve!" She swung at Benji once more knocking him to the ground. "All you have to do is follow the rules of the house and none of this would've happened" she kicked benjis ribs making him groan in pain on his bedroom floor "you're not so tough now, huh. Don't think you come at me with a knife and get away with it you little bitch." She turned to walk back downstairs leaving her son on the floor crying in pain.

"Damn, what happened to you?" His sister asked leaning against the door frame "fuck off" he groaned getting on his knees and reaching for his phone "moms pretty upset with you...all this just cause you didn't come downstairs when she asked?" She scoffed "leave me alone, Bella" she rolled her eyes and continued to walk to her room.

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